So I've got to tell you a story about what happened before Haiti that helped Haiti. So is it a big deal? if you've Got Balls it is. One of our team is a changed man. I've watched his life unfold right before my very eyes. For Him, it's a BIG DEAL! I'm talkin 14 months ago this guy is an alcoholic and drug addict. His life was spiraling out of control. One night he is home after spending the evening in a bar celebrating his daughter's birthday and gets into a fight with her boyfriend. When he wakes up the next morning he gets up and finds blood just about everywhere. He doesn't even remember the pipe to the head, goes out to the garage and gets out his bottle and starts drinking again. Well, that was his bottom and the rest is history. I'm talkin sober since January 2010. No more drug addiction and this guy is on fire for God. Now he's goin on a his first Mission Trip! Can you believe it? I can, because He is My Guy and I love him like you can't believe.
So he works for a company that makes high-end furniture. So he's doin his best to be a witness to the people he works with. I've been through the shop and I can tell you the fav word for the group is the F-word. So he's havin lunch one day and these guys are talking about My Guy goin on his Mission Trip. One thing leads to another and they start brainstormin on what they (the guys that aren't Christian) can do to help the kids in Haiti. So they come up with a ministry - "Got Balls Ministry" Their goal is to raise funds, purchase and ship Balls to kids all over the world. Think it's possible? I do. I'm laughing because they even come up with a Message to go along with the Balls. To ship, it's best to deflate the balls and take pumps. So these guys go out and buy balls for My Guy to take to Haiti. And here's what they came up with as a witness....the ball represents you life; empty and without purpose. Many go through life this way and never reach their potential or their purpose for God. The Pump represents God. The Needle represents Jesus - the connection between God and Us. The air pumped in represents the Spirit. Now how cool is that. A group of guys who really aren't Christ Followers, except One, come up with a great way to spread the Gospel - to KIDS. So, I used the illustration and it was good. We took 4 soccer balls and 4 pumps. We left one in a village and now there are kids playing with a Ball that they didn't have before. The other 3 we gave to the Mission to give out as needed. Got Balls? We did and it was awesome.