Thursday, February 25, 2010
The Journey, Part 3
Rain, really!! I decided to drive to Nashville. However, I never imagined driving all the way in rain. By the time I arrived in Memphis I was getting pretty tired battling the elements, so in Germantown I called it a day and spent the night. You would think the next day would be better but it wasn't. I have never driven in such a torrential downpour of rain as I did in day two. But, finally I arrived and found my hotel quite easily. Larry had been out of town and was arriving the next morning then it was off to the studio. But the morning of his arrival I drove around downtown and found someone to give me a massage. I needed it really bad. So studio day comes and I had no idea what I was in store for. Studio's I suppose can be small or large. I'd been in one studio in Tulsa that was in a guy's converted garage so I was really sure what would happen. We drove through a neighborhood in Brentwood and drove up a steep drive to a house - that half had been converted into a studio. This would be my home for the next two days. The rhythm players were already setting up and it was almost show time. Wildwood Studios is owned and operated by Brandon Harkin, a very wonderful sound-man and one man show. His rooms were small, yet comfortable. The setup was guitar in one room, drums in another, the keyboard player and piano together and the bass player sat in the mix-room since he went direct into the system. The keyboard player could have too but the mix-room was too small for all those people plus the producer. From the git go Larry oversaw everything but referred every decision by me. I felt like a king yet knew I was an amatuer among professionals. Not one time did the band members make me feel less talented or less than valuable. In fact, they made me their friend. Let me tell you I never met anyone in Nashville in the music business that made me feel inadequate. Most of the time they (the professionals) were complimenting me on the arrangements. Two day of recording we were done with a rough mix of the rhythm. Larry would take this now and write the orchestrations and we would schedule the final session in July. We broke for dinner the first night and we all went to Barbara's. Anybody who lives in Nashville knows Barbara's. It is a small dinner almost on the outskirts of a country road where the stars eat. Home cooking and it was awesome comfort food. For my first trip to Nashville I gotta tell you I had the time of my life. I've actually kept in touch with John Hammond the drummer. John was awesome. I would start a song - John would find the tempo, lock it into the click and away we would go. We did very, very little fixing. These guys were top notch and I found that getting the best isn't anymore expensive than getting lesser players. Now I had the long, long trip home. Fortunately it didn't rain on the way home.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
The Journey, Part 2
I got this brilliant idea to raise funds: presale CD's. Actually, it did work to give me immediate funds but not what I would need for my first trip to Nashville. But before that - I knew what was in my head and now it was time to write it down in music format for me and the Rhythm section. Larry was planning on doing some producing for a world class violinist and I was going to maybe piggy back into that rhythm session but that's another story. Now I was writing rough drafts and playing and chording and trying to fit about 3 months worth of work into 3 months. I know that doesn't make sense but when you work two jobs and try to maintain a family life - it's a lot of work. Larry asked me where I wanted to do the rhythm session. I didn't know but he knew of a Yamaha Piano that I would really like playing at a small private studio in Nashville, so that we easy. Next rhythm players - well I didn't know anyone but knew a few tops names - but I mean - little ole me they would be WAAAAAAAYYYYYYY out of my league. Then the strings!! Ah, yes the strings. First choice was to fly to Prague and use their orchestra. That's right - Prague - as in Czech Republic. Wow, could I really do that - well at least Larry could. Or he thought we could go to Seattle. We settled for the Nashville Strings. But that wouldn't come until July. So I'm trying to raise funds and get this thing off the ground when out of the blue a friend called and said, "Hey let's do lunch." I avoided asking my friends for support and such because I didn't want them to feel obligated and I didn't want to put undue stress on a perfectly good relationship. Boy was I wrong on all counts. I walked away from that lunch with a 6k committment and this was 1 week before leaving for the rhythm session in Nashville. Stan Toler wrote a book "God is never late, He's seldom early; He's always Right On Time." I believe it! Now I had what I needed to at least get through the rhythm session. So I decided to drive and left one morning early for a leasurely, relaxed 10 hour drive. Boy was I wrong! ...
The Journey, Part 1
My life in the past two years has changed. Never in my wildest imagination (and it can be pretty wild at times) did I ever think that God would take me on such a life changing journey. But He did and now I want to share as much of that journey as I can remember. Why you ask? Because what God did and is doing for me, He can do for you.
In late 2007 God put into motion a dream that I had been having for quite some time. People over the years have asked, "When are you going to record?" and of course my answer was when God told me it was time.
It was mid October when the first person approached me and early November when the second person asked, "When are you going to record a CD? I can't tell you how I knew but I knew God was speaking and it was time to take action. I have a good friend Thomas Harrison (who is my publicist) who had guided me through ministerial licensing and we had developed a close relationship. Knowing Thomas had a background in TV and producing I gave him a call and arranged to have dinner with him to reveal my dream and plan. After spending two hours spilling my heart out and listening to feedback and direction I knew that I was on the right track. The late Larry Dalton (who I have previously written about, "The Investment," Feb 2010) was the person I looked up to and admired for his skills at the piano and writing arrangements. Larry once told me, "If there's anything I can ever do for you, just give me a call." Well I decided to make that call. Larry lived in Nashville at the time and I knew he knew everybody and he had been in the studio over and over again. So I knew Larry would know the right people and what to do. I called Larry two weeks before his annual Christmas Concert in Tulsa and made arrangements to have lunch together. I walked into that meeting wanting to find out from Larry everything he knew about recording and possible contacts I could make. We talked theme, song list, budget, recording studios and production. Let me insert about budget. I thought in my mind I could do something for about 15k. Larry told me a good budget would be around 30-40k. Top artist spend 100's of thousands of dollars producing projects. WOW! I was brain dead and blown away by everything he was telling me. I recorded our meeting because I knew I couldn't remember everything. I think now that God was laughing at me the whole time. Late into the meeting something happened that I never imagined in my mind. It was as if Larry was talking like he wanted to produce me. We continued on and it was everything I could do not to jump out of my seat and start dancing. I finally just stopped the conversation and said, "Larry, it sounds to me like you are considering producing this project for me." and Larry said, "well you know I've produced several people but never another pianist and I think I'd like to do that." I can't tell you the joy I was feeling when I left that meeting. It was all I could do for the next several days to not cry as I told people what was about to happen. Now the real work began. My budget worked out to about 22k and it was time to start writing lead sheets...
In late 2007 God put into motion a dream that I had been having for quite some time. People over the years have asked, "When are you going to record?" and of course my answer was when God told me it was time.
It was mid October when the first person approached me and early November when the second person asked, "When are you going to record a CD? I can't tell you how I knew but I knew God was speaking and it was time to take action. I have a good friend Thomas Harrison (who is my publicist) who had guided me through ministerial licensing and we had developed a close relationship. Knowing Thomas had a background in TV and producing I gave him a call and arranged to have dinner with him to reveal my dream and plan. After spending two hours spilling my heart out and listening to feedback and direction I knew that I was on the right track. The late Larry Dalton (who I have previously written about, "The Investment," Feb 2010) was the person I looked up to and admired for his skills at the piano and writing arrangements. Larry once told me, "If there's anything I can ever do for you, just give me a call." Well I decided to make that call. Larry lived in Nashville at the time and I knew he knew everybody and he had been in the studio over and over again. So I knew Larry would know the right people and what to do. I called Larry two weeks before his annual Christmas Concert in Tulsa and made arrangements to have lunch together. I walked into that meeting wanting to find out from Larry everything he knew about recording and possible contacts I could make. We talked theme, song list, budget, recording studios and production. Let me insert about budget. I thought in my mind I could do something for about 15k. Larry told me a good budget would be around 30-40k. Top artist spend 100's of thousands of dollars producing projects. WOW! I was brain dead and blown away by everything he was telling me. I recorded our meeting because I knew I couldn't remember everything. I think now that God was laughing at me the whole time. Late into the meeting something happened that I never imagined in my mind. It was as if Larry was talking like he wanted to produce me. We continued on and it was everything I could do not to jump out of my seat and start dancing. I finally just stopped the conversation and said, "Larry, it sounds to me like you are considering producing this project for me." and Larry said, "well you know I've produced several people but never another pianist and I think I'd like to do that." I can't tell you the joy I was feeling when I left that meeting. It was all I could do for the next several days to not cry as I told people what was about to happen. Now the real work began. My budget worked out to about 22k and it was time to start writing lead sheets...
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Replace Yourself
I've been reading a book by Andy Stanley titled "7 Practices for Effective Ministry." One of the practices is replacing yourself. No, I don't plan on checking out anytime soon but to be really effective in ministry you have to come to the point that you are not afraid to let someone else step into a leadership role. The last several weeks I've done this and today was the real step for me. You see I've played the piano for Woodlake Church for just about 30 years. Today I played for the choir opener then turned the keyboard over to Brandon. Why? Because one day I will not sit on the bench and someone else will take my place. Brandon is young, a college student, and a very fine musician. Whether or not he makes Woodlake a permanent home and place of ministry is not important. What's important is that he gets an opportunity to learn and grow under the leadership of a musician that's not afraid to replace himself. I only wish someone would have done that for me. For me, years ago, playing in church was a competition and a very unpleasant experience. At that time there were four pianist and I was the youngest and because of my willingness to be coached and grow and listen to what was asked of me - I became the permanent pianist. No music degree - school of hard knocks and the Lord has done nothing but bless me and blow my mind. My goal is to continue to give others the means to grow in their gifts for the kingdom of God. Way to go Brandon.
Friday, February 12, 2010
As Unto The Lord
Today I visited a long time friend who is in the hospital. She is an organist and a very fine self taught musician. For years we played together every Sunday. Now she is ill and doesn't play as much. She is in her 80's and she can't do some of the things she would like to do. However, the music is still alive within her. They say "You can't take it with you!" Well music is the one gift given from Heaven that we will actually take with us when we arrive "Home!" The last thing I want to do is toot my own horn but I sat in that little hospital room listening to a Church Pioneer and self taught musician tell me, "I've always enjoyed listening to you play because you've always done it for the right reasons." As unto the Lord. That was the biggest compliment anyone has ever given me. It's wonderful to know that someone can discern my heart and know that every time I play I play for all the right reasons. That has always been my goal. But like others I too fight ego and self gratification. I'd love to be like John the Baptist, "I must decrease so that He (Jesus) may increase:".....I would just as soon play from the depths of a platform than be center stage because I don't want it to be about me. Larry Byrd the great basketball player once said, "God gave me the talent but it was up to me to develop that talent." How true a statement. Don't refuse to use that gift the Lord has given you and don't take it for granted, develop it and use it "As unto the Lord."
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Leadership Training
I've spent the last three days attending the Rutland Ministry and Leadership Conference hosted by Oral Roberts University. Dr. Mark Rutland was the speaker. I'm a little brain-dead from trying to process all the information but I have a few questions and thoughts. 1. Where were these guys 30 years ago? I've been to many events and read many books but there is nothing like being in the same room surrounded by ministers who are experiencing life just about the way you are and learning insightful and practical solutions to function effectively in ministry. 2. When can I do it again???
I've read and listened to Maxwell and read books from Stanley to Warren. There is a lot of information out there but maybe not as practical to grasp. i.e. What might work effectively for a startup church won't work with another church model. So taking this into consideration, Dr. Rutland invested his knowledge and experience into the lives of many pastors. For this, I am very appreciative. I know that pastors, congregations, staff and board members can at times be at odds. It may seem simple to operate the church like a business but a church is not a business. The Church is a body. Yes there are big decisions and finances and bottom lines. On the other hand what worked 30 years ago doesn't necessarily work today. A mindset that we will just all pray and then it will all change won't necessarily accomplish anything other than maybe blaming someone because they didn't pray hard enough. Young staff that get the opportunities to learn from Leadership Conferences such as the one I attended don't realize how blessed they are because 10, 20 , 30 years ago these things didn't exist. So it's a learning experience for all. Young and old alike can learn. Think of it like this (a quote that I absolutely love) The learners will inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists - Eric Hoffer
I've read and listened to Maxwell and read books from Stanley to Warren. There is a lot of information out there but maybe not as practical to grasp. i.e. What might work effectively for a startup church won't work with another church model. So taking this into consideration, Dr. Rutland invested his knowledge and experience into the lives of many pastors. For this, I am very appreciative. I know that pastors, congregations, staff and board members can at times be at odds. It may seem simple to operate the church like a business but a church is not a business. The Church is a body. Yes there are big decisions and finances and bottom lines. On the other hand what worked 30 years ago doesn't necessarily work today. A mindset that we will just all pray and then it will all change won't necessarily accomplish anything other than maybe blaming someone because they didn't pray hard enough. Young staff that get the opportunities to learn from Leadership Conferences such as the one I attended don't realize how blessed they are because 10, 20 , 30 years ago these things didn't exist. So it's a learning experience for all. Young and old alike can learn. Think of it like this (a quote that I absolutely love) The learners will inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists - Eric Hoffer
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
The Plan
We are a very mobile society of convenience. We are also a mad dash society. How fast can I get it, how quick can I get there? Can I really fit everything into my schedule today. If you're anything like me you are so occupied with time that you waste alot and get very little done. Surprised? You shouldn't be - I would suppose you're more like me than you want to admit. Having grown up in the Church it is hard for me to think like those who've never attended a church. When somewhat of a tragedy hits - a lot of people turn to the church. Prime example was the Twin Tower's of terror. The following Sunday churches across this nation were packed. I see it with funerals too - someone loses a loved one and they turn to church and when it's all said and done the church was the location of the service but they will never step foot there again until the next funeral.
We've become such a society of Entitlement. "You deserve a break today!" "Have It Your Way!" seems to infiltrated even the church today. The last time I looked the Kingdom of God was indeed a Kingdom and not a democracy. Within that Kingdom there are commandments - commandments for OUR good, for OUR wellbeing - not rules and regulations. But then religion tags on to this - You have to do this, dress this way, sing this way, give this way, be like me. Things were so out of hand that (Galations 4: 4-5 KJV) ..."when the fulness of time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law. To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons." God wanted (wants) so much to be in relationship with man that He sent His only Son. Jesus came to set us free. (John 8: 36 NIV) "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." To live like you want? No. To do what you want? No. God wants relationship and that involves stopping, turning around, believing in Him and following Him. It's not about fitting God into our Plan it's all about fitting ourselves into God's Plan. God has a plan for your life and God has a plan for mine. How's that working for you?
We've become such a society of Entitlement. "You deserve a break today!" "Have It Your Way!" seems to infiltrated even the church today. The last time I looked the Kingdom of God was indeed a Kingdom and not a democracy. Within that Kingdom there are commandments - commandments for OUR good, for OUR wellbeing - not rules and regulations. But then religion tags on to this - You have to do this, dress this way, sing this way, give this way, be like me. Things were so out of hand that (Galations 4: 4-5 KJV) ..."when the fulness of time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law. To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons." God wanted (wants) so much to be in relationship with man that He sent His only Son. Jesus came to set us free. (John 8: 36 NIV) "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." To live like you want? No. To do what you want? No. God wants relationship and that involves stopping, turning around, believing in Him and following Him. It's not about fitting God into our Plan it's all about fitting ourselves into God's Plan. God has a plan for your life and God has a plan for mine. How's that working for you?
Melody is good but Harmony is better. God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." (Genesis 2: 18 NIV) You would agree that throughout the ages beautiful melodies have been written that capture the ear. However I think music really comes alive when other notes blend in Harmony and take the music to the next level. I've said it many times that life is ALL about relationships. God intended for us to be in relationship with Him and relationship with others.
The term harmony derives from the Greek ἁρμονία (harmonía), meaning "joint, agreement, concord",[4] from the verb ἁρμόζω (harmozo), "to fit together, to join".
Woodlake Church is focusing on relationship. It is called "Connect." However there are people in our congregation that attend (and some for quite some time) that are present but not connected. Why? Simple! We all have a tendency to migrate to our friends or our circle of friends and forget to expand our group to include someone new. Sure, they might attend a connect group but are they really connected. Ask yourself this,"Am I truly connecting with someone new?" I had dinner with someone the other night who attend Woodlake and LOVE IT!!! Did I mention that they LOVE Woodlake but they still really are not connected. Just as our own body functions best when working in Harmony so does the body of Christ when it works together in Harmony. That includes others - and must include others. There are 88 keys on a piano but in all reality there are only 12 tones repeated at different octaves. However there is an unlimited variety of music that come out of that Piano. You are one person but joined together with others you can accomplish more than you ever thought possible. It is often said that Jesus' last words where "Go!" But they really where "Wait." Acts 1: 4..."Do not leave Jerusalem but wait, for the gift my Father promised,..." After the resurrection there was a lot of confusion but the Disciples waited and on the day of Pentecost..."they were in one accord"....together, in agreement, fit together; the Holy Spirit came upon them and the world was changed forever. Melody is good (one) but Harmony is better.
The term harmony derives from the Greek ἁρμονία (harmonía), meaning "joint, agreement, concord",[4] from the verb ἁρμόζω (harmozo), "to fit together, to join".
Woodlake Church is focusing on relationship. It is called "Connect." However there are people in our congregation that attend (and some for quite some time) that are present but not connected. Why? Simple! We all have a tendency to migrate to our friends or our circle of friends and forget to expand our group to include someone new. Sure, they might attend a connect group but are they really connected. Ask yourself this,"Am I truly connecting with someone new?" I had dinner with someone the other night who attend Woodlake and LOVE IT!!! Did I mention that they LOVE Woodlake but they still really are not connected. Just as our own body functions best when working in Harmony so does the body of Christ when it works together in Harmony. That includes others - and must include others. There are 88 keys on a piano but in all reality there are only 12 tones repeated at different octaves. However there is an unlimited variety of music that come out of that Piano. You are one person but joined together with others you can accomplish more than you ever thought possible. It is often said that Jesus' last words where "Go!" But they really where "Wait." Acts 1: 4..."Do not leave Jerusalem but wait, for the gift my Father promised,..." After the resurrection there was a lot of confusion but the Disciples waited and on the day of Pentecost..."they were in one accord"....together, in agreement, fit together; the Holy Spirit came upon them and the world was changed forever. Melody is good (one) but Harmony is better.
Monday, February 8, 2010
The Investment

The greatest legacy one may leave for this world is investing in others. I've never quite understood why like musicians have trouble working or functioning together. I suppose it all has to do with Ego. There is one thing for certain that I can say about musicians; there will always be someone that doesn't play as well as you do and there will always be someone that plays better than you do! I am certain of it. My producer and friend was the late Larry Dalton. Larry was probably the most gifted and talented individual I've every met. However, Larry was a very humble person and I found he could talk to just about anyone about anything. When he played, he played with authority and with grace. He exemplified everything that I ever want to be as a musician. Larry produced my first CD and I was looking forward with great anticipation to start our next project when the Lord called him home. I miss Larry but I also know I have a responsiblity to make myself available to musicians that want my help and expertise. Mentoring is everyone's responsibility and I love Investing into the lives of others. Thank you God for Larry Dalton and for his influence in my life.
Friday, February 5, 2010
But, I don't read music
Believe me, I totally understand. You'd be surprised how many people you might stand next to on any given Sunday - that don't read music. At least you are willing to admit you can't do something. I've had others that said - I read music, but they don't. They can see that the notes on the page go up and down but that is not reading. Even fewer can sight read something and then perform it. So? I wouldn't want anyone who has a voice to sing not sing because they can't read music. Imagine for a moment if all the people in the congregation who could really read music sang and everyone else kept silent. That's right, just a few would sing. Imagine now you're standing in heaven, made it home and thousands upon thousands upon thousands of saints, who can't read music, are standing around the throne of God - singing. I really think the Psalmist (100: 1) chose the right word when written, "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord." I can run but I'm not a runner. I can throw a ball but I'm not a ballplayer. I can hit a golf ball but I'm not a golfer. But I can stand next to someone who can lead me and I will follow them. I will do what they do. That creates a lot of responsibility on those who can lead (read). Take this to heart all Ye saints; "follow me as I follow Christ." I wish the choir could hear what I hear each and every Sunday - because what comes out IS a joyful noise and it's music to my ears. Join me as we join those around the throne and lift our voices in one accord to glorify the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Colossians 3: 16
Hello World and Welcome to my Blog - "the Composer."
My favorite scripture in the Bible is Colossians 3: 16 - Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God." As you might gather from from the text there are many styles of music in which to glorify God. I have had the opportunity to play many different styles of music - thus I have become well versed in variety. Although there are styles that I prefer over others, never do I discount someones choice in glorifying God. Of course the key words are glorifying God. There are other points too. Let the Word dwell in you richly! Teaching and admonishing one another in wisdom! With Gratitude in your hearts to God! A lot of responsibility. If someone asked you, "Who plays "As unto the Lord?" My prayer is that you would answer, mike cooper.
My favorite scripture in the Bible is Colossians 3: 16 - Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God." As you might gather from from the text there are many styles of music in which to glorify God. I have had the opportunity to play many different styles of music - thus I have become well versed in variety. Although there are styles that I prefer over others, never do I discount someones choice in glorifying God. Of course the key words are glorifying God. There are other points too. Let the Word dwell in you richly! Teaching and admonishing one another in wisdom! With Gratitude in your hearts to God! A lot of responsibility. If someone asked you, "Who plays "As unto the Lord?" My prayer is that you would answer, mike cooper.
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