Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Melody is good but Harmony is better. God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." (Genesis 2: 18 NIV) You would agree that throughout the ages beautiful melodies have been written that capture the ear. However I think music really comes alive when other notes blend in Harmony and take the music to the next level. I've said it many times that life is ALL about relationships. God intended for us to be in relationship with Him and relationship with others.
The term harmony derives from the Greek ἁρμονία (harmonía), meaning "joint, agreement, concord",[4] from the verb ἁρμόζω (harmozo), "to fit together, to join".
Woodlake Church is focusing on relationship. It is called "Connect." However there are people in our congregation that attend (and some for quite some time) that are present but not connected. Why? Simple! We all have a tendency to migrate to our friends or our circle of friends and forget to expand our group to include someone new. Sure, they might attend a connect group but are they really connected. Ask yourself this,"Am I truly connecting with someone new?" I had dinner with someone the other night who attend Woodlake and LOVE IT!!! Did I mention that they LOVE Woodlake but they still really are not connected. Just as our own body functions best when working in Harmony so does the body of Christ when it works together in Harmony. That includes others - and must include others. There are 88 keys on a piano but in all reality there are only 12 tones repeated at different octaves. However there is an unlimited variety of music that come out of that Piano. You are one person but joined together with others you can accomplish more than you ever thought possible. It is often said that Jesus' last words where "Go!" But they really where "Wait." Acts 1: 4..."Do not leave Jerusalem but wait, for the gift my Father promised,..." After the resurrection there was a lot of confusion but the Disciples waited and on the day of Pentecost..."they were in one accord"....together, in agreement, fit together; the Holy Spirit came upon them and the world was changed forever. Melody is good (one) but Harmony is better.


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