Friday, June 4, 2010

A New Work - Part 1

It has been said that the one thing people can count on is "Change." Yet I suppose we all face this fact of life in different ways. One way is to dig in your heels and do everything in your will power to stop it. The best way is to get on the same path and pace and follow it. The latter seems to be the most difficult for people - particularly the unknown future. However if you're walking with the Lord and you're on His path then you're headed for a grand adventure.

I'm on one of those adventures. Most people are accustomed to me being on the piano for every service. Granted after 30 plus years of playing every service I can see that. But the Lord is doing something new with me and that seems to cause a stir in those that don't like change. I wish I could tell you everything that's going on but to be honest things are still unfolding and I don't even know the outcome yet. But I believe a time has come for me to make a shift. I believe there are people in the church (most of which are not involved to their fullest potential) that don't have anything better to do that to speculate on what all these changes mean. For example: people think I'm being pushed out of one ministry and forced to do another. LOL. Last spring I had a person in the church tell me, "the Lord is getting ready to open a window and blow all the stink off your circumstances." Well, the window has opened and the wind is blowing and I am loving every minute of it. The Lord has placed Rhonda and I into a place where we are ministering to New Believers and let me tell you it is exciting. I certainly didn't see it coming but it has and not only are people being ministered too and blessed - we are being blessed. This is just the tip of the iceberg for what the Lord wants to do in my life. But I'm not alone. For example I can tell you of a minister who has a great voice, great choir director yet the Lord moved him into a minister/evangelism role and now He's in Colorado. A great worship leader and song writer is now an author and Sunday night teaching - an he is young. I told one of our associates a few years back "I don't see myself playing the piano at Woodlake after 50." He replied, "well I do." I don't call it prophetic - but I'm walking with the Lord and he is opening door after door to become involved with New Believers - Homeless - People with Addictions and Hangups and I COULDN'T BE MORE EXCITED.


1 comment:

  1. I like your blog Pastor Mike. It me think how I needed to keep myself open to the unknown places God wants to take me in life.
