Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Gift

Someone today posted a tweet on the best part of 2010. Mine was easy. This year has been quite a radical change. Ministry has taken a turn. The kind of turn that is not just positive - it has been electrofying. You see this year is the biggest turning point for a family that Rhonda and I are discipling. I've watched an alcoholic and drug addict come totally clean. No alcohol since December of last year. I watched as first daughter and now son have come to the Lord. I've baptized the parents and can't wait to baptize the kids. There's more to come - that's for sure. There is still drug addictions to overcome in the family and together we are believing for miracles. One is headed to a teen challenge in the next few weeks and the other is so deep in meth that it seems an impossible task. But with the Lord - "Nothing is impossible." I've seen such a hunger for the Word of God in this family that it puts my Bible study to shame. Their life change fuels me to continue on and to reach out and pour myself into others. There is hope in this world. This year Rhonda and I along with our daughter Melissa had a very meager Christmas. We decided we would rather bless others and we did. So what's the payoff? I have the greatest satisfaction that I made someone else's Christmas the best Christmas ever. That's enough. Would you like to make a difference in someone else's life? You have to be willing to pour yourself out, be transparent (real), be willing to put others before yourself. Is it possible to balance all this and maintain healthy family relationships? I do, and I work two jobs. My life is all wrapped up in helping others find their place in the Kingdom of God and their place in ministry. 2010 was a great year and I believe 2011 will be even better. Watch and see.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Ministry Success?

Sometimes ministry is successful and all the kudus go out to those in charge. Not to say that this is a good thing or a bad thing. But I want you to think about something. Numbers are great. Excitement is great. However, is connection working. Throw open your doors and invite people to a party doesn't mean that what needs to be accomplished is accomplished. Ministry opportunity is not all about having a good time, connecting and engaging is of the utmost importance. For a church to be at its best - it has to be game on from before the beginning to after the end. Just like you and I it only takes one misfortune to ruin a perfectly good time - I think we've all experienced those things. Some things cannot be helped but when it's GAME ON - we have to be reaching out and making everyone feel welcome, appreciated, respected and wanted.

A good leader should realize where the week spot or possible problem may arise. That's not saying that a leader has to be everywhere but a leader has to be visible, observant and looking for what needs to be done. Really what a leader needs is a host of Jonathan's who do this. Jonathan's are earned out of trust and relational dues. Ministry can be successful but it's not necessarily our doing. Consider the people come because the Lord sent them. It is at that point we need to be Jesus with skin. Why? Because Jesus was all about people and we should be too.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Change The World?

Is it possible to change the world? Such a daunting task? Seemingly impossible? Tough questions with easy answers. Yes. Yes. Yes. However a challenge is a challenge. That seems to be where I am in life. Think about it - there are many people who have changed the world. In some cases maybe challenged the world. But the world is in constant change and that is the challenge.

Eric Hoffer said, "The learners will inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists." Think about that for awhile. Those that continue to learn can make a difference, can change the world. I am in a constant mode of learning. Others spend so much of their time trying to tell you what they know or trying to just get an opportunity for someone to listen to them. I've found I learn more with the two ears I have than speaking what I think I know with the one mouth God gave me.

I think I've found the answer on how to change the world. BE what God intended for you to BE. SEE what GOD wants you to see. Listen to the world around you. DO what God (alone) asks YOU to DO. And last but not least (taking from the famous speech of Winston Churchill) NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP!!! Most people give up just short of their greatness. Most people cave when the hill seems to hard to climb. Most people start fast and quit before the end. With God most things are possible. NO!! With God ALL things are possible. Who will join me? Together - we can and we will make a difference and we will change this world. If WE don't do this, WHO WILL, Someone Else?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Church of America

The Church of America has lost sight of God, because we have started worshipping preference, music, tradition, architecture, politics, platforms, money, people and programs. The Church model that I've read about is far from this!
Jesus' came (Luke 19;10) "To seek and to save what was lost." If Jesus walked into your church would He be pleased with what He sees or condemn us because we are more focused on what we would prefer to hear or see? All the while the world around us is dying.
There are politicians who want us to believer that the government knows what's best for all. They want us to believer that they will take care of us but all they can really do is just re-arrange things. And if it is an election year-then the truth just somehow gets lost in the....campaign. But (Courageous Leadership, Bill Hybels) "They can't change a human heart. They can't heal a wounded soul. They can't turn hatred to love. They can't bring about repentance, forgiveness, reconciliation or peace. They can't get to the core problem."
Do the actions of the government concern people? You bet. I receive forwarded email after email about what so and so is doing now, or what so and so is going to do. Most of what is forwarded are all out lies, half truths and speculation. But pay attention here - "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!" Does anyone ever do anything about it? No. But forward this to everyone you know. In our day we have people teach riot and rebellion in the name of Christ! They would have us believe that the Christian thing to do is to disobey the law, rebel against authority and permit every man to do what is right in his own eyes. My source is not the government. My source is in the Word of God. Philippians 4:19, Psalms 27:1 and Hebrews 12:2. What would happen if we, the CHURCH, were the CHANGE that we so vigorously fight for our elected officials to be? What would happen if the church (members) quit forwarding half truths and lies (because they don't even take the time to find out what they are forwarding) (inadvertently endorsing as truth) and started to "seek and save what was lost?" Forward this to everyone you know.


Monday, October 25, 2010


Has America lost her Moral Compass? Definitely. And the only one to blame is the Church. Why, you ask? Because the Church of America has lost sight of God. We've started worshipping music, tradition, architecture, politics, money, people, programs and the list goes on and on.
Luke 19:10 says, "For the Son of Man came to seek and save what was lost." Jesus was concerned about one thing, THE LOST. Until we decide to Commit to the Cause of Christ the Church will continue to be ineffective. Granted, I'm talking about the church as a whole. There are individual churches who are really doing ministry and outreach to this lost and dying world. In our day we teach riot and rebellion in Jesus name! They would have us believe the Christian thing to do is disobey the law, rebel against authority and permit every man to do that which is right in his own eyes.
Bill Hybels writes in his book "Courageous Leadership," There is nothing like the church when it's working right. Its beauty is indescribable. Its power is breathtaking. Its potential is unlimited. It comforts the grieving and heals the broken in the context of community. It builds bridges to seekers and offers truth to the confused. It provides resources for those in need and opens its arms to the forgotten, the downtrodden, the disillusioned. It breaks the chains of addiction, frees the oppressed, and offers belonging to the marginalized of this world. Whatever the capacity for human suffering the church has a greater capacity for healing and wholeness."

If we were to truly represent the Savior we worship to everyone that we know, the church could not contain the people that would come to be in the presence of the One who sets the captive free. It's time for the Church of America to Commit. My friend Randy Ayres said, "God did not call us to DO church, He called us to BE the church. To get off the ground and launched into the real purpose of the church we must Commit to God. I'm ready for that, are you?

Monday, September 20, 2010


Hebrews 12:2-3 (NIV) says, "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."
This is easy to read - hard to do. That is if you are in the fight. I am and the opposition has a tight grip. You've got to realize that working with non-believers can result in a huge tax on your mental capacity. Today, I feel brain dead. You would too after getting a terrible nights sleep because your 'guy' called at 1 in the morning (didn't leave a message) and 4 in the morning and then all the messages I didn't get over the weekend suddenly popped up. Then after spending time all day concentrating and engaging conversation about 2011 - I'm dead to the world tonight. Pray for me please! I am not giving up, I am not giving in - I am seeing this through until someone or something else pulls the plug.
How about you? Is there someone in your world that you're willing to fight the very gates of hell for? There should be. Well, that's not my calling! Really?? Maybe you should rethink it. I am determined to do everything i can in love to fight for the soul of this man and I'm counting on God to help me and whisper into my ear what to do and say. I am walking among the snakes and scorpions of life and it is hard work. Care to join me?


Saturday, August 7, 2010

For Real?

I have been searching for cirricullum for New Believers. Oh, yes, I've found a few things. For example - a four week study, six steps to starting. Really? Are you kidding?? No wonder we wonder why New Believers get lost in the mix, drop out and often are never heard from again. So, I begin to write. It's not rocket science but it is a science to think from a non Believer's perspective. We certainly can't expect them to learn Christianese by the following Sunday. So the journey begins with working on my writing skills. This will be quite an adventure.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Too Familiar:

"Lessons from the First Church"

Acts 2:42-47 (NIV) They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

Imagine for a moment you are living the story of the first church. The Too Familiar - has become overtaken with something new and different. So does that make it wrong that the right has been introduced? LOL. That's right, the church (Temple) as the early disciples knew was a pins and needles place. Don't you dare think about anything but the law! Now grace is introduced (which was there the whole time) and a movement is born or better yet the church God intended to be - was born. The first church devoted themselves to the apostle's teaching, fellowship, breaking bread and prayer.

When was the last time you witnessed a miracle? Look around people - Woodlake Church is a miracle unfolding. What was once half dead has healed and gaining strength (momentum) - day after day. They (the first church) sold their possessions and goods and they pooled their resources and gave as needed to the needs of the people. They met everyday - not just Sunday - but everyday. They did small groups in homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts. Everyday was a celebration!!!

So how can we apply the example of the First Church? The social barriers must be broken in which we as Americans live our lives. They sold everything - they were sold out to Jesus. So, do we go out and sell it all and move into the church? No! But we do sell Our Preference (letting go of tradition and stagnation; giving up what makes us comfortable) so that others can be reached, Our Pride (coming across the fence) and touching the lives of our neighbor; regardless of their social status, Our Investments in Ourselves to Investing in Others. With email and facebook and twitter and text messaging - the ability to stay connected day after day affords constant contact and communication. And technology is still emerging. When you pool your resources and organization then no one is left out.

Instead of working solo (or independent within the confines of the church)- we find crossover and unity with all ministries of the church and no one lacks for resources because together we see the need and fill the gap. There are no ministries within the church greater or less - but everything is united toward one cause - the Cause of Christ and Lives Changed. The church then begins to grow the way God intended. Too familiar becomes a thing of the past because everyday is new and exciting because people who need a Savior are finding acceptance and grace. Then a point is reached where you've run 120 people (gathered together in unity and prayer in an upper room) and suddenly you explode to 3000 overnight. So are the numbers important? They were important enough to be included in the scriptures, but more importantly the impact that can realized when things are done right.


Monday, June 21, 2010


Maybe not the best choice of words. Maybe REAL would be better, but then what is real? So, I will stick with Transparent and try to explain my point. I am convinced that a lost and dying world that is headed toward eternal misery can best be reached by being transparent. For some reason the church seems to house a huge population of Super Spiritual People who live in a make believe world that doesn't exist because they always seem to be Blessed, Smiling and not a care in the world. I think that if most people would be honest - we all experience life (maybe not to the point of someone who doesn't know the Lord) and it's ups and downs. We all are blown around by the same wind. The big difference is that many know how to set their sail and no the source of their strength (which is Jesus). Now for those that remain that still are Blessed, Smiling and not a care in the world - I would harshly step out and say you are not a risk taker, you refuse to reach and to help others find their way to the Cross and you live in a bubble.
Yes, I know that seems harsh. But I'm convinced one can walk along side someone and not be swayed to sin. One who can constantly be bombarded with life issues that others deal with - with a compassionate heart and someone that can mentor and disciple. One who can walk the street without fear of people or look at someone in a disgusted sense because they don't dress like you, look like you or smell like you. Call it a paradigm shift if you'd like but my heart is reaching out to people who need the Lord no matter their circumstance. Yes, it is a risk. It was a risk for Peter to step out of the boat and walk on water. It was a risk for Nehemiah to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls. It was a risk for Gideon to lead such a small army into battle. It was a risk for Jesus to come and give HIs life for a ransom for our sin, only to be rejected by many. Rejection is something a lot of people cannot deal with - but that is a risk many need to take to Go therefore and tell the world (right here in our own backyard) about the saving power of Jesus. People want truth and they want real people that they can trust to give them the guidance and teaching that points the way to freedom. Transparent is my goal. People want to see real Christians that have or do struggle with the same issues as non-believers. Vague? I certainly hope not. Determined? Yes.


Saturday, June 5, 2010

A New Work, Part 2

I think people have forgotten that once I was a teenager. It was the Summer of 1974 that I started attending Woodlake. And over time I was given the opportunity to play the piano for services. By the time I was 20 I was playing about twice a month. Back then we had many pianist (Mavis King, Jim Boze, Don Jones and Joe Wing). So just to get the opportunity now and again was special. However there was a time (believe it or not) that I sat in the audience and didn't get to play. When you change Ministers of Music things have a tendency to change. We had one, I can't even remember his name. But for me my hands were silent for several years. I used to sit in the pew and criticize everyone. I was one bitter guy, just ask my wife. I think it was a time the Lord was trying to teach me something. And that something eventually I learned. I was not the best - not even close and it's all about the attitude not the ability. It took me awhile to get that one. But once I did - I realized that what I was doing was not about me but about the Lord. Ever since then I've watched musician after musician fall away. Why, because they never got it. Then a new Minister of Music came, we hit it off and I found myself playing every service. I used to joke with Kay Middlebrook, who played the organ on Easter Sunday's first service - if we do real good I think we'll pack out the next service. LOL. I played many, many two Sunday Morning services for years. And all those years were volunteer. Now I see myself trying to encourage and give others the opportunity to grow their gift - just like I was. So, when you see someone else on the Piano it's for a purpose. Everything we do is for a purpose. These young people are gifted - just like I was and they need the opportunity to grow. I don't want to be some sixty-five year old guy thinking that the piano is mine and no one else is worthy to sit the bench. How ludicrous to think such a thought. So eventually if the Lord tells me to turn the choir to someone else then I will. Think of it like this. Are you so comfortable with your walk with the Lord and the ministry that you are involved in that you're not afraid to replace yourself and go start something else or better yet something new?

So the Lord is telling me - move over there's plenty to do. I've been known to wear many hats - so I'm comfortable moving over. A good example is Nehemiah. Nehemiah was cupbearer to the king (He had a good job and was trusted). However God moved Nehemiah back to Jerusalem. Why? to rebuild the walls and gates. Now don't read something into this - but God is moving me into other areas of ministry because I am His to use. Over the past year I've enjoyed the ministry more than I ever imagined. Yes, it is work and hard work and often goes unnoticed by most and unrewarded sometimes - but the benefits are out of this world.


Friday, June 4, 2010

A New Work - Part 1

It has been said that the one thing people can count on is "Change." Yet I suppose we all face this fact of life in different ways. One way is to dig in your heels and do everything in your will power to stop it. The best way is to get on the same path and pace and follow it. The latter seems to be the most difficult for people - particularly the unknown future. However if you're walking with the Lord and you're on His path then you're headed for a grand adventure.

I'm on one of those adventures. Most people are accustomed to me being on the piano for every service. Granted after 30 plus years of playing every service I can see that. But the Lord is doing something new with me and that seems to cause a stir in those that don't like change. I wish I could tell you everything that's going on but to be honest things are still unfolding and I don't even know the outcome yet. But I believe a time has come for me to make a shift. I believe there are people in the church (most of which are not involved to their fullest potential) that don't have anything better to do that to speculate on what all these changes mean. For example: people think I'm being pushed out of one ministry and forced to do another. LOL. Last spring I had a person in the church tell me, "the Lord is getting ready to open a window and blow all the stink off your circumstances." Well, the window has opened and the wind is blowing and I am loving every minute of it. The Lord has placed Rhonda and I into a place where we are ministering to New Believers and let me tell you it is exciting. I certainly didn't see it coming but it has and not only are people being ministered too and blessed - we are being blessed. This is just the tip of the iceberg for what the Lord wants to do in my life. But I'm not alone. For example I can tell you of a minister who has a great voice, great choir director yet the Lord moved him into a minister/evangelism role and now He's in Colorado. A great worship leader and song writer is now an author and Sunday night teaching - an he is young. I told one of our associates a few years back "I don't see myself playing the piano at Woodlake after 50." He replied, "well I do." I don't call it prophetic - but I'm walking with the Lord and he is opening door after door to become involved with New Believers - Homeless - People with Addictions and Hangups and I COULDN'T BE MORE EXCITED.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

What's Next?

Have you ever had one of those days when you seemed to be overly aware of something going on in your life that you didn't know how or when but knew it was coming. Last week our Pastor delivered a message on Joshua and wrestling with God. The funny thing about the whole message was during our brain storming earlier in the week the message concept and scripture reference was something that I felt in my heart and the team ran with it. Then the strangest thing happened. My week turned into one of the most disappointing, what could go wrong next, type of week and when it was all said and done - the Sermon that my Pastor delivered was for me. I felt like I wrestled with God all week long and I was doing everything I could to hold on - because that's all I knew to do.

Then today I spent the last two hours watching reruns (DVD) of West Wing. The episode that spoke so clearly to me was when President Bartlett and Josh Lyman get shot. Prior or actually during the first episode I was working on scripture references for people to use that do Prayer or Altar Ministry. I think it's important to equip people with the tools of success and the Word of God is that best tool. But why labor and tell others, "Well, go find your references yourself and good luck." Instead I'm taking the time took to do the leg work. Whether this is used or not is not the point. I had this thought a couple of weeks ago - we always want to know what the prize is before we decide if the work is worth it all. Well, I don't want to be that way. I am doing what I feel I should be doing.

Don't ask me why - but while typing through all these scriptures and finding the passages online (which is easier for me to copy and paste) I started getting that feeling that I know in my heart that what I'm doing is worth it all. Call it confirmation in my spirit. Then watching the episode following the presidential shooting when flashbacks take place that explain how the Bartlett administration all came together comes to a conclusion when the President leans over Josh (who is coming out of recovery) and Josh tells the President "What's Next?" tears started streaming down my face. Why? Because first I get caught up in movies and shows and I have a very tender heart (I know that surprises many). The other reason is because I am holding on to God until He blesses me. It's coming and it's bigger than my mind can comprehend because He trusts me to keep it all in perspective. It's not about me at all. It's not about what I can and cannot do. It's not about my talent and it's not about all the times I wondered if God even knew where I was. It's all about Him - His Glory. This trip is the most exciting trip that I will ever take on this earth. I'm part of God's story and that's the best place for anyone to be. What's Next, Lord?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Deliverance or Change

Just recently our Pastor delivered two sermons based on the story of Zacchaeus. We all probably know the story. But for those who may not - the story is found in the Bible, Luke 19:1-10. As the story goes Zac is this guy that works for the Roman IRS. He, being a Jew is despised by his own people because he is viewed as a traitor. In addition, Zac is this short guy. He could have looked like the perfect image of Pappy O'Daniel (Charles Durning) in the movie "O Brother Where Art Thou?" only shorter. Zac who was very wealthy, carried a lot of weight (no pun intended) and could collect all he wanted in taxes, sending what was required to Rome and keeping the rest. Jesus was passing through. Somehow Jesus knew Zac's name (and it really doesn't matter how) stopped and looked up in a tree Zac was using for a front row seat. Jesus invites himself to Zac's house and spends time with him.
Now you've got to understand that the CROWD didn't like this one bit. The people were looking for a Conquering King who would take them out of oppression and deliver them from bondage and rule and reign. In a lot of the minds of the people - that's what they thought Jesus was going to do. So what do you suppose Jesus was doing eating and spending time with a sinner?

Zac could have been eliminated, executed or murdered. That certainly would have gotten rid of Zac. And who knows, maybe no one would have ever found someone responsible. It seems that crimes go on every day in front of people all the time, yet no one saw anything???? And if Zac was gone what would happen? Rome would get a new chief tax collector and the cycle could have gone on and on, forever. But no - Jesus spends time with Zac - one on one relational time. There is no indication of lecture or sermon or anything else. However, what most people don't see in this story is that Jesus had an immediate impact on the econony of Jericho and the region around. Because Zac was a changed man. (Zac speaking, verse 8 "Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount." The beauty of an encounter with Jesus can result in a Win/Win. Zac won - the people of Jericho won. Don't always listen to the crowd - often it's all about them and not about kingdom work.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Always the Student

Someone once said, "The learners will inherit the earth while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists." I posed that statement to a friend of mine. He like myself are near the same age. I would call myself progressive and my friend conservative in every way. This statement startled him to say the least. I suppose with age one may think they've learned about all they need to know. However, one should be continually learning and adapting. There is one certainty of life and that is - CHANGE! You may not admit it but you are changing every day. This change could be construed as aging. Yes, each day you get a little older. I find that many people my age or older don't particularly like change. I love change. Change keeps me on my toes. Change prevents me from becoming stagnant. Change challenges my thinking and broadens my perspective. I welcome change.

For years I did very little reading. But now I find myself consuming books. I read mostly books that will feed my mind and stretch my thinking. Lately I've been reading books based on church growth and the way people see the church. I want to think more outside the box and totally away from traditional religion. Tradition says to me - not going anywhere - stagnant as water that sits in one place and is never stirred. I feel there is a stirring not only in my heart but also in this world that we live in. More than ever people are looking for truth. My purpose for learning is to able to communicate more effectively to this ever changing world we live in. I never want to find myself thinking what worked for me 20 years or 1 day ago will serve me in the future. Read a new book. My latest - Mark Batterson's "Primal." It will challenge you.


Monday, April 19, 2010

Making the Right Choice

For the past several years I've told just about every young staff member that in ministry your spouse will either make you or break you. Whether you believe that or not I'm not here to argue. I'm here to testify on behalf of the above statement. It was the summer of 1974 that I started attending Woodlake church. At that time I was dating around and like most guys looking for that special person. My friend (Larry) asked me, "Who would you like to take out?" I had my eye on a girl that everyone around me seemed to be talking about but no one was asking out. I suppose they knew that she knew and thus their chance of landing her was questionably questionable. So, me being the agressive person (not, actually very shy) I said I want to take out that girl sitting right over there. No one is dating her and I want to take her out. Her name was Rhonda Burgin and she was beautiful. So Larry's mom called Rhonda's mom because know one really knew who Mike Cooper was. And Larry's mom convinced Rhonda's mom that I wasn't some crazy guy and the clearance was made for me to make that call - that I didn't look forward to making. What if she said No? Well I called and she wasn't there, she was out of town visiting her grandmother. So, the next week I called and SCORED!!!!! We set a date for August 16, 1974 and the rest is history. We were married two months and two years to the day, October 16, 1976. Our wedding announcement came out in the Tulsa World's July 4, 1976 addition.

It has been the best decision I ever made in my life. I was determined to marry someone who would keep me in church and not waiver. I've been grateful ever since. God gave me the best spouse anyone could every have. She has been my soulmate and confidant - my lover and my best friend. We have argued, fought and made up many, many times. She completes me in the ministry and I am so grateful to have such a compassionate, relational, ROCK for a wife. She's very special as many know. She is all about Relationship with others and she does this well. If you are in the ministry I can tell you - Your spouse will either make you or break you. Mine has made me who I am. To this I can testify!!


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Haiti Recap

The high pitch sound of honk, honk repeated over and over again along the dusty highway to nowhere. Or so it seems. One doesn’t take long to figure out why. Here driving rules seem to not apply other than whoever is going faster and bigger have the right of way; road Darwinism at its best. Although driving on the right side of the road is preferred it’s not long before a two lane road is three vehicles wide and near misses are as common as the next breath you take. The restless highway is filled with vehicles filled to overflowing and running over with passengers. If that’s not enough to add to the excitement people walking are walking on the road just inches from passing motorist. Motorcycles that seem built for one may occupy four people. Welcome to Haiti!

Cold is just the absence of heat. If you prefer your heat at minus 30 degrees or 110 degrees is just a selection of where you live unless you have no choice and you get used to it. You might think, “Why in the world would someone live in Iceland”? Or, “Why in the world would someone live near the Sahara desert?” Sometimes it’s not a matter of choice but it’s a matter of where God places you. So why leave the comforts of home (your warm spot) to travel to such extremes? Because the Lord says “Go!” At times it may not be a joy ride – then I found there’s no greater reward than being the “hands” and “feet” of God.. I decided that “miserably happy” best describes my experience.. Early in the morning when the fans quit running to conserve fuel spent to run a generator it was reasonably cool but by mid-day you longed for shade and a breeze. Early evening was relatively pleasant but by ten o’clock at night you felt miserable but “Happy.” If it were not for the fans on the ceiling and the fans littering the floor, sleep would not have existed. Ironically though I never felt like I was totally wasted during the day without energy to perform the task at hand. Probably because we where doing the Lord’s work and when you are engrossed in the Lord’s work – you become energized.

Mission work is so much more than one on one witnessing door to door in the comfort of one’s neighborhood. Missions is doing whatever needs to be done at the time whether you are pouring a concrete slap for a mission house, moving medical supplies for a clinic, loving on orphans or encouraging fellow laborers. Mission work may include helping setup order or sort out chaos. Why – so that one person, one person who matters to God, can be ministered to. That ministry may come in the form of a gentle touch or a lap to sit on, a smile or laughter. Ministry may be handing your water bottle to a Haitian man working along side you without worry of whether he practiced good hygiene. Ministry might be setting a broken arm or bandaging burned flesh, giving someone food to eat or clothing to wear. Jesus said “whatever you do to the least of these, you do unto me.”

Friday, March 26, 2010

Haiti Day 5

Today has been a day of leisure and a day of challenge. Brad Johnson (and his wife Vanessa) run Mission of Hope. Brad had traveled to Haiti for many years with his parents and experienced first hand the challenges with orphans and malnutrition.
On one particular trip Brad and Vanessa were visiting the site basically where we are camped and a man and woman’s child was literally dying right before them. They jumped into their vehicle with the father and rushed 30 miles to a hospital and when they arrived the child took its last breath. They had to travel all the way with this man carrying his dead child and the mother collapsed when they returned. It broke their hearts. Yesterday when we visited the another mission that words could not describe how desolate and poor Brad saw a little boy in the corner who’s belly was swollen with worms and of course no underwear and guess who migrated to Brad and reached out his hands to be picked up – yeah that’s right. The part that makes it all interesting is the Lord told Brad this is your son. He put the child down and left. The malnutrition and living facilities where far worse than I even saw. He told Vanessa the next day to go to this orphanage and take some nurses to access the situation but whatever you do don’t pick up the little boy with the bloated stomach and orange hair (malnutrition I think). Well guess who made their way to Vanessa and wrapped his arms around her feet. She reached down and discovered the child had a high fever. So when Vanessa returned she walked in carrying guess who – right the little boy the Lord told Brad would be his first son. They took him in and for two weeks he did not respond with any emotion. Soon he began to respond to their love and came around. Now J.D. is a handsome young man of 12 and you would never know he was an orphan with no hope.
During Brad’s talk about the history of Mission of Hope I found out that the Green Family (David and Mart) help start their clinic here. They have purchased now 55 acres adjoining to expand services. Imagine in your mind a Vision (because where there is no vision – the people perish) now that supports 60 orphans, a school enrollment of 1200 children – feeding out of their warehouse (with the help of organizations like Convoy of Hope) 100,000 people a day. Is this a big deal? Uh, what do you think! “Suffer the little children to come to me.” Are we supposed to help the widows and orphans of this world? Brad talked about not thinking about Missions once a year for a week or just sending someone or money – but think Missional – 24/7. I know I am and I hope you get an opportunity to take a mission trip soon.
A mission trip will change your life forever. Rhonda yesterday said – It’s not about someone in need (because there will always be a need somewhere in the world) – it’s about deciding which need to invest into” – and I can tell you Mission of Hope is the real deal. They are working with the government and doing things that right way.
Brad told about a lady who works in the kitchen here at the guesthouse. She has two children who both graduated from Mission of Hope school. They both attend college. The son graduates this year with a degree in Accounting and aspires to be President of Haiti one day. The daughter attends college in the Dominican Republic and will be a Pediatrician. By the way – their mom cannot read or write. Mission of Hope wants to see their children go on to attend college or technical schools and help to change Haiti for Jesus Christ. How do you change the world? One person at a time – it’s all about Relationship!!! Sound familiar.
We spent time relaxing today at a resort on the beach. Are you kidding me? That’s not Missions. Actually Mission of Hope does this so people can see the good things about Haiti – they do exist. Plus – you need some time to regroup and reflect on the week. My emotions are in overdrive and others and we need this time to make the transition back. We will see you Sunday morning – We Are Changed Forever.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Haiti Day 4

Today was a good day. Believe it or not I slept last night. I knew that because I had two dreams. So I knew I slept. Now you may be saying “Big Deal!” Well considering at night in our room with the fans full blast it is still 85 degrees and that is hot. The other miracle is personal too. Ever since I was a child I’ve had issue of traveling. I can go from one city to another city and change water systems and on the 3rd day I have major issues and usually get sick. After the 2nd day I took some anti you know what medicine and I have not had one problem – PERIOD!!! And that is a personal highlight on this trip – knowing I Can Do This!
The concrete crew – the MOW completed their task and our other group moved another two rooms of medical supplies and set them up and they are ready for the clinic to use. This week we literally have been the Hands and Feet of Jesus. Taking a break this morning because of the heat and believe me you need breaks I stopped off with my Haitian interpreter and project manager and he wanted me to see a picture of his girlfriend. While there I heard some music playing on his portable pc. It was Claudel, who at times travels the US with the Vice President, Otis Garrison, raising awareness and funds for Mission of Hope. Let me tell you from the moment I realized who it was (who I met today) and him singing as well as any professional “When I Think About the Lord” in Creole I was deeply moved and once again starting crying. The music has overwhelmed me and the spirit of the people is moving. The Lord is all over Mission of Hope and what they are accomplishing for the Kingdom of God.
This afternoon we went to another orphanage. Their facility looked like it had been hit with a 500 lb bomb. I’m not sure it was earthquake but it was terribly in ruins. Considering no indoor plumbing, housing in ruins holding services on the dirt ground across the street with a blue tarp shielding the sun – if that’s not enough now consider 120 kids and you maybe able to start thinking about it. Mission of Hope looks like a resort compared to what we saw today and Mission of Hope is no resort. Yes, they are making a huge progress but it is only by continued support and the determination of Brad and Vanessa Johnson and their staff and Haitian staff but just as important the Volunteers who give their time. I can’t tell you enough how committed Rhonda and I are to Missions more than ever before and yes we have determined that we want to bring another team next year. If we could do it and if I could figure out how – we would spend two or three weeks yearly working here. Today had several emotional moments that are too personal to share that I experienced with our team – I will let them share in May when we give you a recap. I will also post photos when I get back and have highspeed connections. Be blessed – WE ARE!!!


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Haiti Day 3

Today was quite an adventure. The concrete mixing construction team labored hard again (Dallas and Jeremy). Several others moved medical supplies from a building to a storage tent for the Clinic's use. That seems to have taken its toll. One head injury that required 4 staples, one strain knee and scrapes and one heat exhaustion. But everyone is fine and healing. Yes, last night was even hotter and sleep was limited. That's Haiti and that's the way it is - soooooo suck it up and God will sustain.
This afternoon we went to an orphanage down by the ocean. The man that started the orphanage was a traveler who owned a large boat and decided he wanted to buy some property in Haiti along the ocean. He purchased the property and built a large boat dock then proceeded to build a Night Club. A friend bought a piece of property next door and built a house. The neighbor had some missionaries visit and the missionaries told the Night Club guy they were praying for him. The Night Club builder noticed kids hanging around his property hungry and then later children sleeping where he was building when he would come in off his boat. One thing led to another and this man of 60 became a Christian and started an orphanage. His wife left him and he started building. Over time the orphanage and support came and children were added. The children sang and performed and we loved on them and Sam shared the gospel with them. Last March the Night Club owner, now 75, was working on the roof and fell and was killed. This produced great trauma on the orphans. This along with the earthquake has been quite an ordeal for them. Pray for this orphanage. It needs direction and divine intervention in order to survive. After the earthquake the children would not sleep in the building until a couple of weeks ago when the rains drove them inside. We had a BLAST with these kids today. We are on dial up so downloading a photo is longgggggggggg.


Haiti Day 2

Sleeping in Haiti takes me back to the 60”s. For years my parents had only an exhaust fan and then moved up to a window unit. It’s been a long, long time since I slept without air conditioning but last night I accomplished it, I think. Wow, it is hot. Let’s just say I have a phrase “I’m Miserably Happy”! We started our workday in the warehouse sorting medical supplies from food supplies. This seemed like a hot job but nothing compared to the other group who carried bars up hill about 200 yards and other materials for building. This afternoon they spent time mixing concrete and pouring it – now that was in the sun in the heat of the day. All survived. Now back to the warehouse. Mission of Hope is the warehouse and distribution point for Convoy of Hope here in Haiti. That should get you very, very excited. Mission of Hope and Brad and Vanessa Johnson are the real deal. This morning we took a brief tour of the grounds and then started on our work projects.
The warehouse stores food but inadvertently placed medical supplies with food supplies. Our job was to sort through the medical supplies and carry what was current up a hill to a large tent area where medical supplies were already stored. Here is the biggest kicker of all. I am shocked by the people who sent expired supplies overseas thinking that they could be used. The Haitian Government will not allow expired medical supplies or food supplies and such to be used – otherwise all licensing to operate a medical clinic would be jerked. I’m telling you water has been sent and other supplies that can only be burned. It’s really a shame but people sent things that were not wrapped properly and had to be thrown away. Funny thing – it’s the big joke with us – "well you know it’s expired" – but we still took the Orbit gum expired last September and believe me it still taste good. LOL.
Ruben, who picked us up at the airport, is also a very talented young man who survived the earthquake with a incredible story. He was in Port au Prince attending ministry school when his building collapsed. A friend fell on him and died. Ruben was one of eight out of a class of (I believe) 30 who survived. Ruben plays the sax, piano, leads worship at the church, sings, gives tours and is a true man of God. He is very humble. Tonight we attended a night of worship at Church of Hope here on the mission grounds. From the guesthouse we could here nothing but by the time we descended past the warehouse you could hear the beautiful sound of Haitian people raising their voices to God. We joined the service and from the very get go I was engaged right along with them in worship. I would say about half the songs I figured out and knew and could sing along with them – others I couldn’t. Worship, WOW, I mean real worship and praise took place tonight. About 200 people were really worshipping their Lord and Savior. I suppose when hope is gone and all the hope there is in this world is Christ Jesus – then you really have no reservations crying out in song. About halfway through having already shed many tears of praise and calling out to God for these people they started the song – “Hungry.” But the time the chorus came around I was crying out and tears where flowing. The chorus says, “I’m falling on my knees….” And I did – I totally lost it emotionally. Here I am standing in the front in the midst of people who I don’t know worshipping my heart out with everything I’ve got and they seemed light years ahead of me. Talk about a real wakeup call. They really mean it with all their heart and with all their soul and with all their mind. I’m reading Mark Batterson’s book “Primal” and I saw first hand a lot of what Mark is describing of the early church. These people and many cases have lost everything they have and still they worship. Many who had no hope now find real hope in Jesus.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Haiti Day 1

It is Monday, March 22, 2010. Three o’clock this morning started my day in preparation to travel to Mission of Hope in Haiti. This mornings flight to Dallas was a typical – Monday morning business travel so the plane was full and of course travel to Miami was a full plane. What surprised me the most was the packed plane to Haiti.
I think we all have a tendency to live in such a small world. And what’s even more frightening is we often live our entire life within this small world around us. We live in a great, great big world and if Humanity Relief and Compassion for the displaced human being is any indication to the enormity of the flight today – then people really do care. Everything was smooth until departing Miami which was 45 minutes late leaving because of the trash all the people from the previous plane left behind. At least that’s what they said. I think it was because someone who will go unnamed might have taken a pillow from American Airlines. We think they were doing a pillow count and well enough, inside joke. Uh, it’s a she. Interesting that we were on that plane and it wasn’t I who left such a mess. Well if you think that’s a mess – you gotta be called to Haiti.
Airport at Port au Prince was literally destroyed by the earthquake. It will have to be torn down and rebuilt. So we were diverted to makeshift immigration and entry into Haiti. Wow – what a trip!! Imagine landing on an airstrip then proceeding to taxi back to the gate on the SAME landing strip. Then being bused over to immigration; which went very smooth until baggage claim. It was a zoo. A room about 30 by 50 with a hundred sweating people with no order or rhyme or reason and people trying to get you to let them help you or drive you by taxi. All the way out to the gate – with people all over the gate pressing into you as you are trying to leave. Guard your purse, wallet and such – then up the street full of people and cars and such trying to get to the bus to take us out to the mission. Roads, WOW! Narrow, holes everywhere and sometimes three cars wide – no rules just drive and overtake people and drive around a stop fast and on and on and on. It was an adjustment. We passed the mass grave where they buried will over 150, 000 people. And once we got down wind – it was no guess where the odor was coming from.
However, we are now at the mission and have fellowshipped with others staying here: Canadian nurses, doctors, Convoy of Hope reps and a group from Minnesota. It’s hot and muggy but the sun has gone down and the tree frogs are singing and a shower soon then the generator comes on so we can have fans to sleep. Great day and can’t wait to get started tomorrow.


Sunday, March 21, 2010


It's Sunday, March 21st and I'm getting ready to go to bed. Today Kari Jobe was in concert at Woodlake Church and she did an outstanding job. Tomorrow marks a new day for Woodlake Church; I along with ten others embark on the first Mission's trip in a long, long time. I suspect it will be life changing. I'm counting on that - not only for me but my wife and the other ten faithful members of our team. We are headed to Mission of Hope Haiti. I don't have to tell you the devestation that Haiti suffered because of the earthquake. Last November our church made a commitment to plan 5 trips for 2010. I told the Lord, I'd really like to go to Ireland of Romania and I really didn't want to go to Haiti. About a week later our Lead Pastor called and asked me and my wife to head up the team to Haiti. I knew it was the Lord and I knew I didn't really have a choice. Then the earthquake hit and there was a lot up in the air. However - the airport is open and we are a go and we are going and loving on people and helping the Mission with whatever needs to be done. Our team is excited and prepared for whatever the Lord leads us to do. Checkback and I will update this blog as I can with updates.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Journey, Part 3

Rain, really!! I decided to drive to Nashville. However, I never imagined driving all the way in rain. By the time I arrived in Memphis I was getting pretty tired battling the elements, so in Germantown I called it a day and spent the night. You would think the next day would be better but it wasn't. I have never driven in such a torrential downpour of rain as I did in day two. But, finally I arrived and found my hotel quite easily. Larry had been out of town and was arriving the next morning then it was off to the studio. But the morning of his arrival I drove around downtown and found someone to give me a massage. I needed it really bad. So studio day comes and I had no idea what I was in store for. Studio's I suppose can be small or large. I'd been in one studio in Tulsa that was in a guy's converted garage so I was really sure what would happen. We drove through a neighborhood in Brentwood and drove up a steep drive to a house - that half had been converted into a studio. This would be my home for the next two days. The rhythm players were already setting up and it was almost show time. Wildwood Studios is owned and operated by Brandon Harkin, a very wonderful sound-man and one man show. His rooms were small, yet comfortable. The setup was guitar in one room, drums in another, the keyboard player and piano together and the bass player sat in the mix-room since he went direct into the system. The keyboard player could have too but the mix-room was too small for all those people plus the producer. From the git go Larry oversaw everything but referred every decision by me. I felt like a king yet knew I was an amatuer among professionals. Not one time did the band members make me feel less talented or less than valuable. In fact, they made me their friend. Let me tell you I never met anyone in Nashville in the music business that made me feel inadequate. Most of the time they (the professionals) were complimenting me on the arrangements. Two day of recording we were done with a rough mix of the rhythm. Larry would take this now and write the orchestrations and we would schedule the final session in July. We broke for dinner the first night and we all went to Barbara's. Anybody who lives in Nashville knows Barbara's. It is a small dinner almost on the outskirts of a country road where the stars eat. Home cooking and it was awesome comfort food. For my first trip to Nashville I gotta tell you I had the time of my life. I've actually kept in touch with John Hammond the drummer. John was awesome. I would start a song - John would find the tempo, lock it into the click and away we would go. We did very, very little fixing. These guys were top notch and I found that getting the best isn't anymore expensive than getting lesser players. Now I had the long, long trip home. Fortunately it didn't rain on the way home.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Journey, Part 2

I got this brilliant idea to raise funds: presale CD's. Actually, it did work to give me immediate funds but not what I would need for my first trip to Nashville. But before that - I knew what was in my head and now it was time to write it down in music format for me and the Rhythm section. Larry was planning on doing some producing for a world class violinist and I was going to maybe piggy back into that rhythm session but that's another story. Now I was writing rough drafts and playing and chording and trying to fit about 3 months worth of work into 3 months. I know that doesn't make sense but when you work two jobs and try to maintain a family life - it's a lot of work. Larry asked me where I wanted to do the rhythm session. I didn't know but he knew of a Yamaha Piano that I would really like playing at a small private studio in Nashville, so that we easy. Next rhythm players - well I didn't know anyone but knew a few tops names - but I mean - little ole me they would be WAAAAAAAYYYYYYY out of my league. Then the strings!! Ah, yes the strings. First choice was to fly to Prague and use their orchestra. That's right - Prague - as in Czech Republic. Wow, could I really do that - well at least Larry could. Or he thought we could go to Seattle. We settled for the Nashville Strings. But that wouldn't come until July. So I'm trying to raise funds and get this thing off the ground when out of the blue a friend called and said, "Hey let's do lunch." I avoided asking my friends for support and such because I didn't want them to feel obligated and I didn't want to put undue stress on a perfectly good relationship. Boy was I wrong on all counts. I walked away from that lunch with a 6k committment and this was 1 week before leaving for the rhythm session in Nashville. Stan Toler wrote a book "God is never late, He's seldom early; He's always Right On Time." I believe it! Now I had what I needed to at least get through the rhythm session. So I decided to drive and left one morning early for a leasurely, relaxed 10 hour drive. Boy was I wrong! ...


The Journey, Part 1

My life in the past two years has changed. Never in my wildest imagination (and it can be pretty wild at times) did I ever think that God would take me on such a life changing journey. But He did and now I want to share as much of that journey as I can remember. Why you ask? Because what God did and is doing for me, He can do for you.
In late 2007 God put into motion a dream that I had been having for quite some time. People over the years have asked, "When are you going to record?" and of course my answer was when God told me it was time.
It was mid October when the first person approached me and early November when the second person asked, "When are you going to record a CD? I can't tell you how I knew but I knew God was speaking and it was time to take action. I have a good friend Thomas Harrison (who is my publicist) who had guided me through ministerial licensing and we had developed a close relationship. Knowing Thomas had a background in TV and producing I gave him a call and arranged to have dinner with him to reveal my dream and plan. After spending two hours spilling my heart out and listening to feedback and direction I knew that I was on the right track. The late Larry Dalton (who I have previously written about, "The Investment," Feb 2010) was the person I looked up to and admired for his skills at the piano and writing arrangements. Larry once told me, "If there's anything I can ever do for you, just give me a call." Well I decided to make that call. Larry lived in Nashville at the time and I knew he knew everybody and he had been in the studio over and over again. So I knew Larry would know the right people and what to do. I called Larry two weeks before his annual Christmas Concert in Tulsa and made arrangements to have lunch together. I walked into that meeting wanting to find out from Larry everything he knew about recording and possible contacts I could make. We talked theme, song list, budget, recording studios and production. Let me insert about budget. I thought in my mind I could do something for about 15k. Larry told me a good budget would be around 30-40k. Top artist spend 100's of thousands of dollars producing projects. WOW! I was brain dead and blown away by everything he was telling me. I recorded our meeting because I knew I couldn't remember everything. I think now that God was laughing at me the whole time. Late into the meeting something happened that I never imagined in my mind. It was as if Larry was talking like he wanted to produce me. We continued on and it was everything I could do not to jump out of my seat and start dancing. I finally just stopped the conversation and said, "Larry, it sounds to me like you are considering producing this project for me." and Larry said, "well you know I've produced several people but never another pianist and I think I'd like to do that." I can't tell you the joy I was feeling when I left that meeting. It was all I could do for the next several days to not cry as I told people what was about to happen. Now the real work began. My budget worked out to about 22k and it was time to start writing lead sheets...


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Replace Yourself

I've been reading a book by Andy Stanley titled "7 Practices for Effective Ministry." One of the practices is replacing yourself. No, I don't plan on checking out anytime soon but to be really effective in ministry you have to come to the point that you are not afraid to let someone else step into a leadership role. The last several weeks I've done this and today was the real step for me. You see I've played the piano for Woodlake Church for just about 30 years. Today I played for the choir opener then turned the keyboard over to Brandon. Why? Because one day I will not sit on the bench and someone else will take my place. Brandon is young, a college student, and a very fine musician. Whether or not he makes Woodlake a permanent home and place of ministry is not important. What's important is that he gets an opportunity to learn and grow under the leadership of a musician that's not afraid to replace himself. I only wish someone would have done that for me. For me, years ago, playing in church was a competition and a very unpleasant experience. At that time there were four pianist and I was the youngest and because of my willingness to be coached and grow and listen to what was asked of me - I became the permanent pianist. No music degree - school of hard knocks and the Lord has done nothing but bless me and blow my mind. My goal is to continue to give others the means to grow in their gifts for the kingdom of God. Way to go Brandon.


Friday, February 12, 2010

As Unto The Lord

Today I visited a long time friend who is in the hospital. She is an organist and a very fine self taught musician. For years we played together every Sunday. Now she is ill and doesn't play as much. She is in her 80's and she can't do some of the things she would like to do. However, the music is still alive within her. They say "You can't take it with you!" Well music is the one gift given from Heaven that we will actually take with us when we arrive "Home!" The last thing I want to do is toot my own horn but I sat in that little hospital room listening to a Church Pioneer and self taught musician tell me, "I've always enjoyed listening to you play because you've always done it for the right reasons." As unto the Lord. That was the biggest compliment anyone has ever given me. It's wonderful to know that someone can discern my heart and know that every time I play I play for all the right reasons. That has always been my goal. But like others I too fight ego and self gratification. I'd love to be like John the Baptist, "I must decrease so that He (Jesus) may increase:".....I would just as soon play from the depths of a platform than be center stage because I don't want it to be about me. Larry Byrd the great basketball player once said, "God gave me the talent but it was up to me to develop that talent." How true a statement. Don't refuse to use that gift the Lord has given you and don't take it for granted, develop it and use it "As unto the Lord."


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Leadership Training

I've spent the last three days attending the Rutland Ministry and Leadership Conference hosted by Oral Roberts University. Dr. Mark Rutland was the speaker. I'm a little brain-dead from trying to process all the information but I have a few questions and thoughts. 1. Where were these guys 30 years ago? I've been to many events and read many books but there is nothing like being in the same room surrounded by ministers who are experiencing life just about the way you are and learning insightful and practical solutions to function effectively in ministry. 2. When can I do it again???
I've read and listened to Maxwell and read books from Stanley to Warren. There is a lot of information out there but maybe not as practical to grasp. i.e. What might work effectively for a startup church won't work with another church model. So taking this into consideration, Dr. Rutland invested his knowledge and experience into the lives of many pastors. For this, I am very appreciative. I know that pastors, congregations, staff and board members can at times be at odds. It may seem simple to operate the church like a business but a church is not a business. The Church is a body. Yes there are big decisions and finances and bottom lines. On the other hand what worked 30 years ago doesn't necessarily work today. A mindset that we will just all pray and then it will all change won't necessarily accomplish anything other than maybe blaming someone because they didn't pray hard enough. Young staff that get the opportunities to learn from Leadership Conferences such as the one I attended don't realize how blessed they are because 10, 20 , 30 years ago these things didn't exist. So it's a learning experience for all. Young and old alike can learn. Think of it like this (a quote that I absolutely love) The learners will inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists - Eric Hoffer


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Plan

We are a very mobile society of convenience. We are also a mad dash society. How fast can I get it, how quick can I get there? Can I really fit everything into my schedule today. If you're anything like me you are so occupied with time that you waste alot and get very little done. Surprised? You shouldn't be - I would suppose you're more like me than you want to admit. Having grown up in the Church it is hard for me to think like those who've never attended a church. When somewhat of a tragedy hits - a lot of people turn to the church. Prime example was the Twin Tower's of terror. The following Sunday churches across this nation were packed. I see it with funerals too - someone loses a loved one and they turn to church and when it's all said and done the church was the location of the service but they will never step foot there again until the next funeral.
We've become such a society of Entitlement. "You deserve a break today!" "Have It Your Way!" seems to infiltrated even the church today. The last time I looked the Kingdom of God was indeed a Kingdom and not a democracy. Within that Kingdom there are commandments - commandments for OUR good, for OUR wellbeing - not rules and regulations. But then religion tags on to this - You have to do this, dress this way, sing this way, give this way, be like me. Things were so out of hand that (Galations 4: 4-5 KJV) ..."when the fulness of time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law. To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons." God wanted (wants) so much to be in relationship with man that He sent His only Son. Jesus came to set us free. (John 8: 36 NIV) "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." To live like you want? No. To do what you want? No. God wants relationship and that involves stopping, turning around, believing in Him and following Him. It's not about fitting God into our Plan it's all about fitting ourselves into God's Plan. God has a plan for your life and God has a plan for mine. How's that working for you?



Melody is good but Harmony is better. God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." (Genesis 2: 18 NIV) You would agree that throughout the ages beautiful melodies have been written that capture the ear. However I think music really comes alive when other notes blend in Harmony and take the music to the next level. I've said it many times that life is ALL about relationships. God intended for us to be in relationship with Him and relationship with others.
The term harmony derives from the Greek ἁρμονία (harmonía), meaning "joint, agreement, concord",[4] from the verb ἁρμόζω (harmozo), "to fit together, to join".
Woodlake Church is focusing on relationship. It is called "Connect." However there are people in our congregation that attend (and some for quite some time) that are present but not connected. Why? Simple! We all have a tendency to migrate to our friends or our circle of friends and forget to expand our group to include someone new. Sure, they might attend a connect group but are they really connected. Ask yourself this,"Am I truly connecting with someone new?" I had dinner with someone the other night who attend Woodlake and LOVE IT!!! Did I mention that they LOVE Woodlake but they still really are not connected. Just as our own body functions best when working in Harmony so does the body of Christ when it works together in Harmony. That includes others - and must include others. There are 88 keys on a piano but in all reality there are only 12 tones repeated at different octaves. However there is an unlimited variety of music that come out of that Piano. You are one person but joined together with others you can accomplish more than you ever thought possible. It is often said that Jesus' last words where "Go!" But they really where "Wait." Acts 1: 4..."Do not leave Jerusalem but wait, for the gift my Father promised,..." After the resurrection there was a lot of confusion but the Disciples waited and on the day of Pentecost..."they were in one accord"....together, in agreement, fit together; the Holy Spirit came upon them and the world was changed forever. Melody is good (one) but Harmony is better.


Monday, February 8, 2010

The Investment

The greatest legacy one may leave for this world is investing in others. I've never quite understood why like musicians have trouble working or functioning together. I suppose it all has to do with Ego. There is one thing for certain that I can say about musicians; there will always be someone that doesn't play as well as you do and there will always be someone that plays better than you do! I am certain of it. My producer and friend was the late Larry Dalton. Larry was probably the most gifted and talented individual I've every met. However, Larry was a very humble person and I found he could talk to just about anyone about anything. When he played, he played with authority and with grace. He exemplified everything that I ever want to be as a musician. Larry produced my first CD and I was looking forward with great anticipation to start our next project when the Lord called him home. I miss Larry but I also know I have a responsiblity to make myself available to musicians that want my help and expertise. Mentoring is everyone's responsibility and I love Investing into the lives of others. Thank you God for Larry Dalton and for his influence in my life.


Friday, February 5, 2010

But, I don't read music

Believe me, I totally understand. You'd be surprised how many people you might stand next to on any given Sunday - that don't read music. At least you are willing to admit you can't do something. I've had others that said - I read music, but they don't. They can see that the notes on the page go up and down but that is not reading. Even fewer can sight read something and then perform it. So? I wouldn't want anyone who has a voice to sing not sing because they can't read music. Imagine for a moment if all the people in the congregation who could really read music sang and everyone else kept silent. That's right, just a few would sing. Imagine now you're standing in heaven, made it home and thousands upon thousands upon thousands of saints, who can't read music, are standing around the throne of God - singing. I really think the Psalmist (100: 1) chose the right word when written, "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord." I can run but I'm not a runner. I can throw a ball but I'm not a ballplayer. I can hit a golf ball but I'm not a golfer. But I can stand next to someone who can lead me and I will follow them. I will do what they do. That creates a lot of responsibility on those who can lead (read). Take this to heart all Ye saints; "follow me as I follow Christ." I wish the choir could hear what I hear each and every Sunday - because what comes out IS a joyful noise and it's music to my ears. Join me as we join those around the throne and lift our voices in one accord to glorify the King of kings and the Lord of lords.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Colossians 3: 16

Hello World and Welcome to my Blog - "the Composer."

My favorite scripture in the Bible is Colossians 3: 16 - Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God." As you might gather from from the text there are many styles of music in which to glorify God. I have had the opportunity to play many different styles of music - thus I have become well versed in variety. Although there are styles that I prefer over others, never do I discount someones choice in glorifying God. Of course the key words are glorifying God. There are other points too. Let the Word dwell in you richly! Teaching and admonishing one another in wisdom! With Gratitude in your hearts to God! A lot of responsibility. If someone asked you, "Who plays "As unto the Lord?" My prayer is that you would answer, mike cooper.
