Monday, June 21, 2010


Maybe not the best choice of words. Maybe REAL would be better, but then what is real? So, I will stick with Transparent and try to explain my point. I am convinced that a lost and dying world that is headed toward eternal misery can best be reached by being transparent. For some reason the church seems to house a huge population of Super Spiritual People who live in a make believe world that doesn't exist because they always seem to be Blessed, Smiling and not a care in the world. I think that if most people would be honest - we all experience life (maybe not to the point of someone who doesn't know the Lord) and it's ups and downs. We all are blown around by the same wind. The big difference is that many know how to set their sail and no the source of their strength (which is Jesus). Now for those that remain that still are Blessed, Smiling and not a care in the world - I would harshly step out and say you are not a risk taker, you refuse to reach and to help others find their way to the Cross and you live in a bubble.
Yes, I know that seems harsh. But I'm convinced one can walk along side someone and not be swayed to sin. One who can constantly be bombarded with life issues that others deal with - with a compassionate heart and someone that can mentor and disciple. One who can walk the street without fear of people or look at someone in a disgusted sense because they don't dress like you, look like you or smell like you. Call it a paradigm shift if you'd like but my heart is reaching out to people who need the Lord no matter their circumstance. Yes, it is a risk. It was a risk for Peter to step out of the boat and walk on water. It was a risk for Nehemiah to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls. It was a risk for Gideon to lead such a small army into battle. It was a risk for Jesus to come and give HIs life for a ransom for our sin, only to be rejected by many. Rejection is something a lot of people cannot deal with - but that is a risk many need to take to Go therefore and tell the world (right here in our own backyard) about the saving power of Jesus. People want truth and they want real people that they can trust to give them the guidance and teaching that points the way to freedom. Transparent is my goal. People want to see real Christians that have or do struggle with the same issues as non-believers. Vague? I certainly hope not. Determined? Yes.


Saturday, June 5, 2010

A New Work, Part 2

I think people have forgotten that once I was a teenager. It was the Summer of 1974 that I started attending Woodlake. And over time I was given the opportunity to play the piano for services. By the time I was 20 I was playing about twice a month. Back then we had many pianist (Mavis King, Jim Boze, Don Jones and Joe Wing). So just to get the opportunity now and again was special. However there was a time (believe it or not) that I sat in the audience and didn't get to play. When you change Ministers of Music things have a tendency to change. We had one, I can't even remember his name. But for me my hands were silent for several years. I used to sit in the pew and criticize everyone. I was one bitter guy, just ask my wife. I think it was a time the Lord was trying to teach me something. And that something eventually I learned. I was not the best - not even close and it's all about the attitude not the ability. It took me awhile to get that one. But once I did - I realized that what I was doing was not about me but about the Lord. Ever since then I've watched musician after musician fall away. Why, because they never got it. Then a new Minister of Music came, we hit it off and I found myself playing every service. I used to joke with Kay Middlebrook, who played the organ on Easter Sunday's first service - if we do real good I think we'll pack out the next service. LOL. I played many, many two Sunday Morning services for years. And all those years were volunteer. Now I see myself trying to encourage and give others the opportunity to grow their gift - just like I was. So, when you see someone else on the Piano it's for a purpose. Everything we do is for a purpose. These young people are gifted - just like I was and they need the opportunity to grow. I don't want to be some sixty-five year old guy thinking that the piano is mine and no one else is worthy to sit the bench. How ludicrous to think such a thought. So eventually if the Lord tells me to turn the choir to someone else then I will. Think of it like this. Are you so comfortable with your walk with the Lord and the ministry that you are involved in that you're not afraid to replace yourself and go start something else or better yet something new?

So the Lord is telling me - move over there's plenty to do. I've been known to wear many hats - so I'm comfortable moving over. A good example is Nehemiah. Nehemiah was cupbearer to the king (He had a good job and was trusted). However God moved Nehemiah back to Jerusalem. Why? to rebuild the walls and gates. Now don't read something into this - but God is moving me into other areas of ministry because I am His to use. Over the past year I've enjoyed the ministry more than I ever imagined. Yes, it is work and hard work and often goes unnoticed by most and unrewarded sometimes - but the benefits are out of this world.


Friday, June 4, 2010

A New Work - Part 1

It has been said that the one thing people can count on is "Change." Yet I suppose we all face this fact of life in different ways. One way is to dig in your heels and do everything in your will power to stop it. The best way is to get on the same path and pace and follow it. The latter seems to be the most difficult for people - particularly the unknown future. However if you're walking with the Lord and you're on His path then you're headed for a grand adventure.

I'm on one of those adventures. Most people are accustomed to me being on the piano for every service. Granted after 30 plus years of playing every service I can see that. But the Lord is doing something new with me and that seems to cause a stir in those that don't like change. I wish I could tell you everything that's going on but to be honest things are still unfolding and I don't even know the outcome yet. But I believe a time has come for me to make a shift. I believe there are people in the church (most of which are not involved to their fullest potential) that don't have anything better to do that to speculate on what all these changes mean. For example: people think I'm being pushed out of one ministry and forced to do another. LOL. Last spring I had a person in the church tell me, "the Lord is getting ready to open a window and blow all the stink off your circumstances." Well, the window has opened and the wind is blowing and I am loving every minute of it. The Lord has placed Rhonda and I into a place where we are ministering to New Believers and let me tell you it is exciting. I certainly didn't see it coming but it has and not only are people being ministered too and blessed - we are being blessed. This is just the tip of the iceberg for what the Lord wants to do in my life. But I'm not alone. For example I can tell you of a minister who has a great voice, great choir director yet the Lord moved him into a minister/evangelism role and now He's in Colorado. A great worship leader and song writer is now an author and Sunday night teaching - an he is young. I told one of our associates a few years back "I don't see myself playing the piano at Woodlake after 50." He replied, "well I do." I don't call it prophetic - but I'm walking with the Lord and he is opening door after door to become involved with New Believers - Homeless - People with Addictions and Hangups and I COULDN'T BE MORE EXCITED.
