Monday, June 21, 2010


Maybe not the best choice of words. Maybe REAL would be better, but then what is real? So, I will stick with Transparent and try to explain my point. I am convinced that a lost and dying world that is headed toward eternal misery can best be reached by being transparent. For some reason the church seems to house a huge population of Super Spiritual People who live in a make believe world that doesn't exist because they always seem to be Blessed, Smiling and not a care in the world. I think that if most people would be honest - we all experience life (maybe not to the point of someone who doesn't know the Lord) and it's ups and downs. We all are blown around by the same wind. The big difference is that many know how to set their sail and no the source of their strength (which is Jesus). Now for those that remain that still are Blessed, Smiling and not a care in the world - I would harshly step out and say you are not a risk taker, you refuse to reach and to help others find their way to the Cross and you live in a bubble.
Yes, I know that seems harsh. But I'm convinced one can walk along side someone and not be swayed to sin. One who can constantly be bombarded with life issues that others deal with - with a compassionate heart and someone that can mentor and disciple. One who can walk the street without fear of people or look at someone in a disgusted sense because they don't dress like you, look like you or smell like you. Call it a paradigm shift if you'd like but my heart is reaching out to people who need the Lord no matter their circumstance. Yes, it is a risk. It was a risk for Peter to step out of the boat and walk on water. It was a risk for Nehemiah to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls. It was a risk for Gideon to lead such a small army into battle. It was a risk for Jesus to come and give HIs life for a ransom for our sin, only to be rejected by many. Rejection is something a lot of people cannot deal with - but that is a risk many need to take to Go therefore and tell the world (right here in our own backyard) about the saving power of Jesus. People want truth and they want real people that they can trust to give them the guidance and teaching that points the way to freedom. Transparent is my goal. People want to see real Christians that have or do struggle with the same issues as non-believers. Vague? I certainly hope not. Determined? Yes.


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