Sunday, October 31, 2010

Change The World?

Is it possible to change the world? Such a daunting task? Seemingly impossible? Tough questions with easy answers. Yes. Yes. Yes. However a challenge is a challenge. That seems to be where I am in life. Think about it - there are many people who have changed the world. In some cases maybe challenged the world. But the world is in constant change and that is the challenge.

Eric Hoffer said, "The learners will inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists." Think about that for awhile. Those that continue to learn can make a difference, can change the world. I am in a constant mode of learning. Others spend so much of their time trying to tell you what they know or trying to just get an opportunity for someone to listen to them. I've found I learn more with the two ears I have than speaking what I think I know with the one mouth God gave me.

I think I've found the answer on how to change the world. BE what God intended for you to BE. SEE what GOD wants you to see. Listen to the world around you. DO what God (alone) asks YOU to DO. And last but not least (taking from the famous speech of Winston Churchill) NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP!!! Most people give up just short of their greatness. Most people cave when the hill seems to hard to climb. Most people start fast and quit before the end. With God most things are possible. NO!! With God ALL things are possible. Who will join me? Together - we can and we will make a difference and we will change this world. If WE don't do this, WHO WILL, Someone Else?

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