Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Church of America

The Church of America has lost sight of God, because we have started worshipping preference, music, tradition, architecture, politics, platforms, money, people and programs. The Church model that I've read about is far from this!
Jesus' came (Luke 19;10) "To seek and to save what was lost." If Jesus walked into your church would He be pleased with what He sees or condemn us because we are more focused on what we would prefer to hear or see? All the while the world around us is dying.
There are politicians who want us to believer that the government knows what's best for all. They want us to believer that they will take care of us but all they can really do is just re-arrange things. And if it is an election year-then the truth just somehow gets lost in the....campaign. But (Courageous Leadership, Bill Hybels) "They can't change a human heart. They can't heal a wounded soul. They can't turn hatred to love. They can't bring about repentance, forgiveness, reconciliation or peace. They can't get to the core problem."
Do the actions of the government concern people? You bet. I receive forwarded email after email about what so and so is doing now, or what so and so is going to do. Most of what is forwarded are all out lies, half truths and speculation. But pay attention here - "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!" Does anyone ever do anything about it? No. But forward this to everyone you know. In our day we have people teach riot and rebellion in the name of Christ! They would have us believe that the Christian thing to do is to disobey the law, rebel against authority and permit every man to do what is right in his own eyes. My source is not the government. My source is in the Word of God. Philippians 4:19, Psalms 27:1 and Hebrews 12:2. What would happen if we, the CHURCH, were the CHANGE that we so vigorously fight for our elected officials to be? What would happen if the church (members) quit forwarding half truths and lies (because they don't even take the time to find out what they are forwarding) (inadvertently endorsing as truth) and started to "seek and save what was lost?" Forward this to everyone you know.


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