Thursday, March 17, 2011

Haiti 2011 Day Three

Today we went to Titanyen (which is a nearby village) and painted a house for a couple. The house was large - 4 rooms and a few out buildings, 2 dogs and 5 chickens. Interacting with the Haitians is a blast. This afternoon we went back to the village and hung out with children. We spent most of our time in the town square. Picture in the middle of the square a common source of water, lots of buckets and a hand pump that was continually working while we present. Rock roads - lots of children and curious onlookers. Jeremy stole the show making balloon figures until things got out of hand and he shut down his operation. The children have all been in awe of Paul Markwood's beard and hairy arms. It has been quite funny. The heat is here but nothing like last year. Last night I even had to cover up with a sheet because it got cold. The team is doing well. Pray for Megan she is having trouble with a tooth. Other than this all is well in Haiti.

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