Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Haiti 2011 Day Two

Both teams arrived without incident on Tuesday. Thankfully our luggage was waiting for us in their baggage claim area. The country looks much better than it did one year ago when we first visited. The sights and sounds are the same from congested traffic where it’s every man for himself which is the reason for the constant honking of horns as you maneuver the highway. The familiar smells are present. Thankfully the Mass Grave were most of the Port-au-Prince casualties are buried no longer reeks of death. We’ve noticed a big effort to clean-up a lot of the devastation.

Mission of Hope has changed A LOT. There are many new buildings and accommodations. The Lord is doing an incredible work here. Obviously being spring break there are many people here working and the new guest house will be ready to occupy soon which will house 120 visitors. The Hope House now has 62 orphans and new accommodations to house 120. The school is growing and the clinic is growing. Today we went and worked one of the projects that has been talked about. Currently there are 40+ house being built off site for new residence of Haitian families. In all, this project will build 500 homes. We painted inside these homes and painted trim on the outside. Others planted cactus which was harvested off trees and planted in rows to serve as a privacy fence. These plants grow as tall as eight feet within a year. The cactus will be topped at 6 feet and will fill in to complete the privacy fence. No injuries except the minor cuts and scrapes. The team is in good spirits. Thanks for continuing to pray. We realized our travels were challenging and stressful but most dealt as best they could. All in all if we would have stayed together one of the teams would have arrived today and missed two days. The other thing shared by Jeremy was missions is not supposed to be an easy thing. Just ask a missionary. It takes a lot of determination and patience to carry out this work. Be blessed, we are!

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