Sunday, May 2, 2010

Always the Student

Someone once said, "The learners will inherit the earth while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists." I posed that statement to a friend of mine. He like myself are near the same age. I would call myself progressive and my friend conservative in every way. This statement startled him to say the least. I suppose with age one may think they've learned about all they need to know. However, one should be continually learning and adapting. There is one certainty of life and that is - CHANGE! You may not admit it but you are changing every day. This change could be construed as aging. Yes, each day you get a little older. I find that many people my age or older don't particularly like change. I love change. Change keeps me on my toes. Change prevents me from becoming stagnant. Change challenges my thinking and broadens my perspective. I welcome change.

For years I did very little reading. But now I find myself consuming books. I read mostly books that will feed my mind and stretch my thinking. Lately I've been reading books based on church growth and the way people see the church. I want to think more outside the box and totally away from traditional religion. Tradition says to me - not going anywhere - stagnant as water that sits in one place and is never stirred. I feel there is a stirring not only in my heart but also in this world that we live in. More than ever people are looking for truth. My purpose for learning is to able to communicate more effectively to this ever changing world we live in. I never want to find myself thinking what worked for me 20 years or 1 day ago will serve me in the future. Read a new book. My latest - Mark Batterson's "Primal." It will challenge you.


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