Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Haiti Day 3

Today was quite an adventure. The concrete mixing construction team labored hard again (Dallas and Jeremy). Several others moved medical supplies from a building to a storage tent for the Clinic's use. That seems to have taken its toll. One head injury that required 4 staples, one strain knee and scrapes and one heat exhaustion. But everyone is fine and healing. Yes, last night was even hotter and sleep was limited. That's Haiti and that's the way it is - soooooo suck it up and God will sustain.
This afternoon we went to an orphanage down by the ocean. The man that started the orphanage was a traveler who owned a large boat and decided he wanted to buy some property in Haiti along the ocean. He purchased the property and built a large boat dock then proceeded to build a Night Club. A friend bought a piece of property next door and built a house. The neighbor had some missionaries visit and the missionaries told the Night Club guy they were praying for him. The Night Club builder noticed kids hanging around his property hungry and then later children sleeping where he was building when he would come in off his boat. One thing led to another and this man of 60 became a Christian and started an orphanage. His wife left him and he started building. Over time the orphanage and support came and children were added. The children sang and performed and we loved on them and Sam shared the gospel with them. Last March the Night Club owner, now 75, was working on the roof and fell and was killed. This produced great trauma on the orphans. This along with the earthquake has been quite an ordeal for them. Pray for this orphanage. It needs direction and divine intervention in order to survive. After the earthquake the children would not sleep in the building until a couple of weeks ago when the rains drove them inside. We had a BLAST with these kids today. We are on dial up so downloading a photo is longgggggggggg.


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