Thursday, March 25, 2010

Haiti Day 4

Today was a good day. Believe it or not I slept last night. I knew that because I had two dreams. So I knew I slept. Now you may be saying “Big Deal!” Well considering at night in our room with the fans full blast it is still 85 degrees and that is hot. The other miracle is personal too. Ever since I was a child I’ve had issue of traveling. I can go from one city to another city and change water systems and on the 3rd day I have major issues and usually get sick. After the 2nd day I took some anti you know what medicine and I have not had one problem – PERIOD!!! And that is a personal highlight on this trip – knowing I Can Do This!
The concrete crew – the MOW completed their task and our other group moved another two rooms of medical supplies and set them up and they are ready for the clinic to use. This week we literally have been the Hands and Feet of Jesus. Taking a break this morning because of the heat and believe me you need breaks I stopped off with my Haitian interpreter and project manager and he wanted me to see a picture of his girlfriend. While there I heard some music playing on his portable pc. It was Claudel, who at times travels the US with the Vice President, Otis Garrison, raising awareness and funds for Mission of Hope. Let me tell you from the moment I realized who it was (who I met today) and him singing as well as any professional “When I Think About the Lord” in Creole I was deeply moved and once again starting crying. The music has overwhelmed me and the spirit of the people is moving. The Lord is all over Mission of Hope and what they are accomplishing for the Kingdom of God.
This afternoon we went to another orphanage. Their facility looked like it had been hit with a 500 lb bomb. I’m not sure it was earthquake but it was terribly in ruins. Considering no indoor plumbing, housing in ruins holding services on the dirt ground across the street with a blue tarp shielding the sun – if that’s not enough now consider 120 kids and you maybe able to start thinking about it. Mission of Hope looks like a resort compared to what we saw today and Mission of Hope is no resort. Yes, they are making a huge progress but it is only by continued support and the determination of Brad and Vanessa Johnson and their staff and Haitian staff but just as important the Volunteers who give their time. I can’t tell you enough how committed Rhonda and I are to Missions more than ever before and yes we have determined that we want to bring another team next year. If we could do it and if I could figure out how – we would spend two or three weeks yearly working here. Today had several emotional moments that are too personal to share that I experienced with our team – I will let them share in May when we give you a recap. I will also post photos when I get back and have highspeed connections. Be blessed – WE ARE!!!


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