Friday, March 26, 2010

Haiti Day 5

Today has been a day of leisure and a day of challenge. Brad Johnson (and his wife Vanessa) run Mission of Hope. Brad had traveled to Haiti for many years with his parents and experienced first hand the challenges with orphans and malnutrition.
On one particular trip Brad and Vanessa were visiting the site basically where we are camped and a man and woman’s child was literally dying right before them. They jumped into their vehicle with the father and rushed 30 miles to a hospital and when they arrived the child took its last breath. They had to travel all the way with this man carrying his dead child and the mother collapsed when they returned. It broke their hearts. Yesterday when we visited the another mission that words could not describe how desolate and poor Brad saw a little boy in the corner who’s belly was swollen with worms and of course no underwear and guess who migrated to Brad and reached out his hands to be picked up – yeah that’s right. The part that makes it all interesting is the Lord told Brad this is your son. He put the child down and left. The malnutrition and living facilities where far worse than I even saw. He told Vanessa the next day to go to this orphanage and take some nurses to access the situation but whatever you do don’t pick up the little boy with the bloated stomach and orange hair (malnutrition I think). Well guess who made their way to Vanessa and wrapped his arms around her feet. She reached down and discovered the child had a high fever. So when Vanessa returned she walked in carrying guess who – right the little boy the Lord told Brad would be his first son. They took him in and for two weeks he did not respond with any emotion. Soon he began to respond to their love and came around. Now J.D. is a handsome young man of 12 and you would never know he was an orphan with no hope.
During Brad’s talk about the history of Mission of Hope I found out that the Green Family (David and Mart) help start their clinic here. They have purchased now 55 acres adjoining to expand services. Imagine in your mind a Vision (because where there is no vision – the people perish) now that supports 60 orphans, a school enrollment of 1200 children – feeding out of their warehouse (with the help of organizations like Convoy of Hope) 100,000 people a day. Is this a big deal? Uh, what do you think! “Suffer the little children to come to me.” Are we supposed to help the widows and orphans of this world? Brad talked about not thinking about Missions once a year for a week or just sending someone or money – but think Missional – 24/7. I know I am and I hope you get an opportunity to take a mission trip soon.
A mission trip will change your life forever. Rhonda yesterday said – It’s not about someone in need (because there will always be a need somewhere in the world) – it’s about deciding which need to invest into” – and I can tell you Mission of Hope is the real deal. They are working with the government and doing things that right way.
Brad told about a lady who works in the kitchen here at the guesthouse. She has two children who both graduated from Mission of Hope school. They both attend college. The son graduates this year with a degree in Accounting and aspires to be President of Haiti one day. The daughter attends college in the Dominican Republic and will be a Pediatrician. By the way – their mom cannot read or write. Mission of Hope wants to see their children go on to attend college or technical schools and help to change Haiti for Jesus Christ. How do you change the world? One person at a time – it’s all about Relationship!!! Sound familiar.
We spent time relaxing today at a resort on the beach. Are you kidding me? That’s not Missions. Actually Mission of Hope does this so people can see the good things about Haiti – they do exist. Plus – you need some time to regroup and reflect on the week. My emotions are in overdrive and others and we need this time to make the transition back. We will see you Sunday morning – We Are Changed Forever.


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