Friday, February 12, 2010

As Unto The Lord

Today I visited a long time friend who is in the hospital. She is an organist and a very fine self taught musician. For years we played together every Sunday. Now she is ill and doesn't play as much. She is in her 80's and she can't do some of the things she would like to do. However, the music is still alive within her. They say "You can't take it with you!" Well music is the one gift given from Heaven that we will actually take with us when we arrive "Home!" The last thing I want to do is toot my own horn but I sat in that little hospital room listening to a Church Pioneer and self taught musician tell me, "I've always enjoyed listening to you play because you've always done it for the right reasons." As unto the Lord. That was the biggest compliment anyone has ever given me. It's wonderful to know that someone can discern my heart and know that every time I play I play for all the right reasons. That has always been my goal. But like others I too fight ego and self gratification. I'd love to be like John the Baptist, "I must decrease so that He (Jesus) may increase:".....I would just as soon play from the depths of a platform than be center stage because I don't want it to be about me. Larry Byrd the great basketball player once said, "God gave me the talent but it was up to me to develop that talent." How true a statement. Don't refuse to use that gift the Lord has given you and don't take it for granted, develop it and use it "As unto the Lord."


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