Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Plan

We are a very mobile society of convenience. We are also a mad dash society. How fast can I get it, how quick can I get there? Can I really fit everything into my schedule today. If you're anything like me you are so occupied with time that you waste alot and get very little done. Surprised? You shouldn't be - I would suppose you're more like me than you want to admit. Having grown up in the Church it is hard for me to think like those who've never attended a church. When somewhat of a tragedy hits - a lot of people turn to the church. Prime example was the Twin Tower's of terror. The following Sunday churches across this nation were packed. I see it with funerals too - someone loses a loved one and they turn to church and when it's all said and done the church was the location of the service but they will never step foot there again until the next funeral.
We've become such a society of Entitlement. "You deserve a break today!" "Have It Your Way!" seems to infiltrated even the church today. The last time I looked the Kingdom of God was indeed a Kingdom and not a democracy. Within that Kingdom there are commandments - commandments for OUR good, for OUR wellbeing - not rules and regulations. But then religion tags on to this - You have to do this, dress this way, sing this way, give this way, be like me. Things were so out of hand that (Galations 4: 4-5 KJV) ..."when the fulness of time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law. To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons." God wanted (wants) so much to be in relationship with man that He sent His only Son. Jesus came to set us free. (John 8: 36 NIV) "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." To live like you want? No. To do what you want? No. God wants relationship and that involves stopping, turning around, believing in Him and following Him. It's not about fitting God into our Plan it's all about fitting ourselves into God's Plan. God has a plan for your life and God has a plan for mine. How's that working for you?


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