Friday, February 5, 2010

But, I don't read music

Believe me, I totally understand. You'd be surprised how many people you might stand next to on any given Sunday - that don't read music. At least you are willing to admit you can't do something. I've had others that said - I read music, but they don't. They can see that the notes on the page go up and down but that is not reading. Even fewer can sight read something and then perform it. So? I wouldn't want anyone who has a voice to sing not sing because they can't read music. Imagine for a moment if all the people in the congregation who could really read music sang and everyone else kept silent. That's right, just a few would sing. Imagine now you're standing in heaven, made it home and thousands upon thousands upon thousands of saints, who can't read music, are standing around the throne of God - singing. I really think the Psalmist (100: 1) chose the right word when written, "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord." I can run but I'm not a runner. I can throw a ball but I'm not a ballplayer. I can hit a golf ball but I'm not a golfer. But I can stand next to someone who can lead me and I will follow them. I will do what they do. That creates a lot of responsibility on those who can lead (read). Take this to heart all Ye saints; "follow me as I follow Christ." I wish the choir could hear what I hear each and every Sunday - because what comes out IS a joyful noise and it's music to my ears. Join me as we join those around the throne and lift our voices in one accord to glorify the King of kings and the Lord of lords.


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